Capcom announced that it is raising the average employee salary at the company by 30 percent as well as introducing a new bonus structure tied to the overall company's business performance. Capcom is also establishing a new Chief Human Resources Officer role.According to a new investor relations statement on Capcom's website, these initiatives are intended to retain game developer talent as well as boost overall productivity. "Driven by its philosophy of being a Creator of Entertainment Culture that Stimulates Your Senses, Capcom will work to address the issues facing our society while aiming to improve its corporate value and establishing a relationship of trust with employees and stakeholders," the statement reads.Capcom will also continue to improve individual employee performance review processes and its training programs going forward. Capcom's Human Resources will be reorganized around four departments in order to continue creating high-quality AAA titles sustainably. The R&D Human Resources department, Health and Productivity Management department, People Strategy Team, and the Human Resources department will work under a new Chief Human Resources Officer.Capcom states, "With this structure, Capcom will work to bolster productivity by further providing a comfortable workplace environment for employees and driving forward its personnel acquisition and training activities."Capcom has managed to hit its stride in releasing critically acclaimed and successful games in recent years, such as the Resident Evil 2 and 3 remakes, Devil May Cry 5, and Monster Hunter World, leading to record sales and profits. It isn't the only company increasing employee wages either. Earlier this month, Bandai Namco announced it would increase pay by 50,000 yen per month.George Yang is a freelance writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @yinyangfooey
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Capcom Is Raising Employee Salaries by 30 Percent