• Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Best Starfield ship designs


Sep 30, 2023

Looking for the best Starfield ship designs? Then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve searched high and low to find the weirdest, most interesting, and coolest player-made Starfield ship designs on the internet.There’s a whole lot to get distracted by while chasing those Starfield achievements, including the game’s immense (and cumbersome) ship design system. The game gives you the chance to explore space in all its majesty and ponder the meaning of existence… while piloting a giant dachshund. Starfield’s ship design system allows for a lot of creativity, and there are ship parts and ship stats galore to help you build the ideal ship for your playstyle: you can make a cargo-carrying beast, an amped-up fighter, or an impenetrable fortress; or you can ignore practicality entirely and just create something incredibly weird. Or incredibly cool. Or a ship that you can’t even see out of. Whatever your heart desires, from the Millennium Falcon to a duck. Let’s check them the best Starfield ship designs we’ve seen so far. 10 — MjölnirIf you find yourself worthy, there’s this Mjölnir ship build from u/TheStealthyNumber. It’s a fantastic version of Thor’s hammer and would no doubt look impressive hurling through space, but while admitting that it’s pretty fast for its size, u/TheStealthyNumber is the first to admit this beautiful build comes with some caveats: it’s a maze of ladders, and, even if you manage to make it to the cockpit, you won’t be able to see out of it. Still, might be worth it to possess the power of Thor.9 — TardisIf you’re going for a more peaceful, helping-people playthrough, you also have the option to float through space in the TARDIS, as shown by this Doctor Who-themed ship build from u/_Mr_Lion_. This TARDIS design does really well considering what there is to work with (Starfield, understandably enough, doesn’t have much in the way of ship parts resembling old British police boxes). All we need now is the “vworp-vworp” noise to go with it and we’re good.8 — The RemingtonThen we have the fantastic Remington, a ship build modelled after the dachshund belonging to creator u/longhound3d (here’s an absolutely necessary picture of the real Remington). True to form, this ship apparently “packs a punch, but is not very nimble.” Who needs nimbleness when there’s this much personality though?7 — VenusaurNext, you can soar through space in this excellent Venusaur-inspired ship from u/BradfordTheGreat (it’s since been renamed to Venus Soar thanks to one commenter’s excellent suggestion). Like The Remington, this Venusaur build might not be the nimblest of ships, but it looks like it could do some serious damage one it’s got its sights set on you. Plus, it’s squat, it’s sturdy, and it’s adorable yet terrifying. What more could you ask for?6 — DuckNot quite so immediately threatening, perhaps, but just as unsettling to encounter in the silence of space, there’s this quacking idea for a ship build from u/angryoldduck. Starfield’s got its fair share of random wooden ducks scattered throughout, and u/angryoldduck has already said they’re collecting as many as possible to reunite them with this mother duck of a mothership. I know it’s not a penguin, but slap a helmet on this chap and we’d have a great Sgt. Byrd contender here.5 — ScorpionNext is a brilliant scorpion ship build from u/CostKey9800. It’s not a reference to anything as far as we can tell; it’s just an incredibly convincing scorpion design complete with laser weapons on its sting that’s sure to send spacers running. If you’re already feeling the sting of jealousy, worry not: u/CostKey9800 has already made a video of the ship build to help you out.4 — Magic School BusOr, if you’d prefer to jump back into childhood nostalgia, there’s this excellent Magic School Bus ship build, also from u/SP7R, which looks like an incredibly comforting way to zoom around learning about space. If you’re leaning towards a planet-surveying experience (which occasionally devolves into chaos when a planet’s lifeforms object to being surveyed) this might be the build for you.3 — Planet ExpressGood news, everyone! It’s possible to make an excellent recreation of Futurama’s Planet Express ship in Starfield, as proven by u/SP7R — bear in mind that it’s just the ship, however; your Constellation companions will still judge any shady business and Vasco will still be faultlessly polite. That being said, shut up and take my money!2 — CacodemonA brief detour from ships meant to look like actual ships to witness this magnificent Cacodemon ship design, created by u/Fluffidios and modelled after Doom’s floating monsters. Not only does it look great, but it also has a ton of room for crew and cargo. Plus, it comes with the guarantee that at some point or other, some random space-faring citizen in the middle of nowhere is bound to look out of their window and see this thing zooming past and be left with questions forevermore.1 — Millennium FalconWe couldn’t really have a list about the best spaceship designs in a space game without the Millennium Falcon at the top. These two excellent depictions come from Reddit user u/krunkstep77, who also managed to get an impressive cargo capacity of 3,000, making it an all-round ideal ship for any smuggling you might be planning (or quick escapes if the smuggling part goes wrong).Given all the ways you can indulge your imagination just on ship-building alone, it’s likely we’ll all be talking about Starfield for a long time to come — especially since, whether you love surveying planets or hate the game’s maps and menus with a passion, there’s a lot to talk about. If you’re yet to try the game for yourself, check out our Starfield review for more info. If you’re already wading through the game’s achievements, don’t forget to take a look at our Starfield community target to see how far we make it across the galaxy (we’re currently at 72,072,264 miles traveled).

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