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Battlefield 2042 post explains cross-play and aims to answer player questions


Jul 14, 2021

A developer briefing for Battlefield 2042 aims to answer player questions about specialists, maps, vehicles, cross-play and cross-progression, and more.Senior design director Daniel Berlin begins with specialists. “In Battlefield 2042 you will step into the boots of Specialists, an all-new type of playable soldier for the franchise. Inspired by the traditional Battlefield Classes, Specialists will be equipped with their own unique Specialist Trait and Specialty, and will have fully customizable Loadouts.” There will be ten in total, with four already having been revealed. Berlin says the speciality and trait of each specialist are theirs alone — the wingsuit, for instance, can’t be used by other specialists, although all specialists can customise their loadouts.EA plans to test cross-play during the Technical Playtest, but beyond that, Berlin says, PC, Xbox Series X|S and PS5 players can play together (with the option not to have PC and console players against each other) while Xbox One players can cross-play with PS4. As those plans currently stand, it doesn’t look as though cross-play will be available between Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. “Alongside cross-play we’re also building cross-progression and cross-commerce for Battlefield 2042, which will be shared across all platforms and travel with you wherever you go,” Berlin continues. “For example, your unlocked progress and purchases in your PlayStation copy of the game will carry over onto the Xbox or PC version, and vice versa.”Battlefield 2042 will have seven maps at launch, and Berlin adds, “In terms of gameplay opportunities and land mass, this is the biggest and boldest Battlefield we have ever built.” Several map-related questions were answered — you won’t, for instance, be able to play on every floor of a skyscraper, but you can fight in the lobby and on the roof. Vehicles, meanwhile, are “more easily available and more squad focused than ever before,” as you can call-in vehicles “when and where you need them.” It looks as though you’ll need to ration this feature, though, as it will have its own specific budget, and once used, “you will incur a cooldown so everyone has a fair chance to call-in support.” And while EA isn’t focusing specifically on naval warfare, “You can expect to see naval oriented vehicles such as the LCAA Hovercraft.” You can check the dev briefing for the full details. What do you think of Battlefield 2042 so far? Let us know in the comments!

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