• Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

Arsenal The Hunt Guide – Droid Gamers


Mar 15, 2025

The Hunt is in full swing, and Arsenal has a whole mission set out for you, with a facility packed with danger and a plot that keeps getting more intriguing. So many questions. Still, our Arsenal The Hunt guide has info on how to get through it in one piece.

You can play through the special event now via Arsenal on Roblox. Want to score some easy tokens? You could take a look at our The Hunt Mega Edition easiest games guide.

Arsenal The Hunt Guide

While Arsenal typically pits you against other players this special event mission sees you taking on a PvE mission through a secret facility.


You’re armed with an AK47. You don’t need to worry about running out of ammo, you’ll alwatds have 60 available, regardless of how many rounds you actually fire, so go crazy. Early on in the mission, you may see a corridor that splits off to the right, with a wooden barrier. You can hop over this to pick up an alternate weapon, the Hush Puppy. This has a slower rate of fire but can hit for massive crits.

Facility Section

The facility section is pretty straightforward. Keep moving through the facility. Orange doors mark the way forward. Take out any enemies, Firewall troops, who try to stop you. You health regens slowly, so don’t be afraid to fall back to a previous room if things are getting a bit too risky.

Progress far enough and you’ll have a scripted run-in with Firewall that lands you in the Jail Section.

Jail Section

This short puzzle section is divied between engaging in dialogue with a mysterious figurem and using the items in your cell to escape. We’ll run over each of the things you need to do, though it should be pretty simple to figure it out. If a prompt isn’t appearing, it’s because you need to wait for the mysterious NPC to finish talking.

  • Get the loose pipe from the sink.
  • Break the floor at the corner of your bed to reveal a book.
  • Slide the book over to the other prisoner. They’ll slide a bar of soap back.
  • Dip the soap in the toilet to reveal a coin.
  • Place the coin on the floor outside your cell to distract the guard.
  • Hit the guard with the loose pipe.

With that, you’re free to go, and this event section is over. For now…

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