Several high-profile Argentinian esports organisations have announced the creation of a new organisation aimed at helping grow the country’s esports landscape, called the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Sports (Camara Argentina de Deportes Electronicos, CADE).
The organisation includes notable Argentinian esports organisations KRU, 9z Globant, Leviatán, Maycam Evolve, Furious Gaming, Undead BK, Isurus, Hawks and Malvinas Gaming.
The organisation will be officially announced at a launch event at the UADE University in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on August 23. According to CADE, the main mission of the organisation is to “act as the primary representative and defender of teams, players, societies and organisations within the esports industry.”
In addition, the newly-created entity will work on promotion, professionalism and development of esports in the country and its global region.
The organisation has appointed Gonzalo Martín García, the CEO of Furious Gaming, as its President. The rest its leadership structure consists of other notable individuals from the regional esports scene. The CADE Vice President is Fernando Diez ,the CEO of Leviatán. He will be joined by Secretary Mariel Lluch (General Manager of KRÜ).
The Assistant Secretary of CADE will be Facundo Calabró (CEO of Isurus), and he will be joined by Principal Board Member Emiliano Penart (Founder of Hawks), Alternate Board Member Mariano Diletto (CEO of Maycam Evolve), Treasurer Alan Polo (COO of Malvinas Gaming), Assistant Treasurer Gonzalo Suárez (CFO of 9z Globant), and Legal Advisor Juan Esteban Diez.
Gonzalo García, the President of CADE, said: “We have been in talks for some time with companies and key players in the Argentine esports industry. We are now ready to take the first step towards boosting the industry, with an institution that encompasses the main interests and contributions with a clear goal: to promote and develop the scene.”