• Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

All Sons of the Forest Enemies


Nov 30, 2023

In Sons of the Forest, while you are busy finding food, various materials, and building outposts, you will have to be careful not to become prey of the Sons of the Forest enemies. The enemies in the Sons of the Forest are of various types and each of them has its own characteristics and weaknesses that you will have to learn to get rid of. In this article, we will therefore give you an overview of the Sons of the Forest enemies present in the game.

Sons of the Forest enemies listed

In Sons of the Forest, there are different enemies that you can face during your adventure, some more difficult to face and others simpler. However, since the game is still in early access, when it is released, it is likely that other content and, therefore, other Sons of the Forest will also be added.


Demons are enemies found towards the end of the game, inside caves. They are more dangerous versions of simple mutants and usually attack in packs, which makes them very dangerous enemies. Also, another thing you need to keep in mind is that they have spikes instead of hands. Finally, be aware that these enemies can only take damage if you use a holy cross, so prepare in advance. Engaging in combat without being in possession of the Holy Cross means facing certain death. Therefore, before entering the caves, make sure you have the right weapon.

sons of the forest enemies

Demon boss

The Demon boss is the final boss of the game and is a larger and more dangerous version of the normal demons that you can encounter throughout the game. Also, another thing to keep in mind is that the Holy Cross is only capable of doing little damage and it is therefore important that you prepare yourself to be able to face a very long and dangerous boss fight. The good thing is that most of his pattern is still quite similar to that of other demons, so be ready to adopt a strategy where you have to dodge the boss’s shots.

sons of the forest enemies

Rattler Twins

This is one of the most disgusting Sons of the Forest enemies you can encounter in the game. They are practically two enemies in one, joined at the belly and it moves with a gait very similar to that of a wheel. The thing to know is that this type of enemy is very fast and avoiding its attacks is very difficult. So, in order to defeat this enemy, the strategy you will have to use is to climb tall structures and try to predict his moves using ranged attacks or explosives.

sons of the forest enemies

Red Brutes

These Sons of the Forest enemies are cannibals who usually tend to attack as soon as you finish building a base. For this reason, pay attention to the fact that these enemies are capable of destroying walls and barricades to let smaller enemies sneak in and wreak havoc inside your camps. One attack you’ll want to watch out for is one where they will jump into the air and then launch themselves with their entire body towards you. If you are fast enough, you will have the opportunity to dodge these attacks and counterattack.

sons of the forest enemies


This is another type of Sons of the Forest enemy that can be found inside caves, just like demons. Their upper body is made up of a ribcage that forms a mouth that they will use to attack you. Since they don’t have arms, they will use their entire body to deal massive damage. Furthermore, a useful strategy to use is to hit them in the knees to make them fall and hit them with relative ease.

sons of the forest enemies

The Twins

These enemies are also found inside the caves, or, to be precise, on their walls. They are basically two torsos joined at the hips that will try to surprise you while you are exploring the caves, so always keep an eye above your head if you don’t want to become their victims. These enemies have no cooldown periods between their attacks, so we advise against using a melee approach; instead, try to hit them with ranged attacks.

sons of the forest enemies

The Food Bunker boss

As you can guess from the name, this is another boss that you will have to face as you progress through the game. When you are called to complete a mission in which you have to find the Puffton family, you will have to go and investigate a bunker which, however, unfortunately for you, will be home to a boss fight against this enemy. To be exact, there will be two of them and they will attack you at the same time to make everything even more difficult. Consequently, arm yourself with weapons such as a shotgun to gain the upper hand and end the battle as quickly as possible.

sons of the forest enemies

Regular cannibals

These Sons of the Forest enemies can be found almost everywhere in the game world. Fortunately for you, however, since these are basic enemies, they are not very powerful. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay attention, because they are still capable of killing you. Make use of electric weapons and block their attacks to get the upper hand, but always look around because they are enemies who always move in packs.

sons of the forest enemies

Blind mutants

These mutants, as can be understood from their name, are not able to see, but this does not mean that they are not able to perceive you and therefore attack you. You will recognize them because they are white and have no eyes. As for the way of attacking, these Sons of the Forest enemies make use of their fists and are unable to block your attacks, so they are not very difficult enemies to deal with.

sons of the forest enemies

Dirty cannibals

These enemies are a different version of regular cannibals and are found in forests. These enemies cover themselves in dirt to blend in with the environment and try to spy on your movements and then strike you suddenly, without you realizing it. However, fortunately for you, these enemies are not difficult to deal with and can be killed using any weapon in the game. However, in the unlikely event that you do not notice their presence, that is where things get dangerous as they will tell the members of their tribe all your movements.

sons of the forest enemies


In the current state of the game, this type of Sons of the Forest enemies cannot be fought, but is still present in theirs and appears in some cutscenes of the game. It is a creature made up of flesh and with some children following it like little dogs. For the moment there isn’t much information about this type of enemy, but updates will certainly arrive as soon as the game comes out of early access and is published in full version.

sons of the forest enemies

Masked cannibals

Finally, we have the masked cannibals. They too are a variant of regular cannibals. They are taller than other types of cannibals and wear a golden mask to make their leadership status clear. Furthermore, they are able to block your attacks and can knock you to the ground with a single blow. As a result, they are a little more dangerous than other cannibals. The strategy to use to get the better of them is to shoot their propellers to create an explosion.

sons of the forest enemies

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