• Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Alan Wake 2 Room 209 Key Location


Oct 31, 2023

If you’ve reached the point where you find yourself exploring the Oceanview Hotel, chances are you’re wondering where to find the Alan Wake 2 Room 209 key. This key, in fact, is important for finding one of Tim Breaker’s locations, even if it is easy to continue without finding it. However, luckily for you, it’s actually not difficult to find and it’s not even that far from where you are. In this article, therefore, we will provide you with a detailed guide on the Alan Wake 2 Room 209 key location.

Where to find the Alan Wake 2 Room 209 key

Once you arrive on the second floor of the Oceanview Hotel and pass the eastern hallway, you will hear noises coming from Room 209. This means that Sheriff Tim Breaker is in that area, even if you are not there yet. possession of the key you need to open Room 209. Without too many mincing words, we tell you that the key to this room is located right nearby, in Room 206.

However, if you go there, you will find that the door is closed. But don’t worry: this room, luckily for you, has a secondary entrance in the western hallway. Therefore, go around following the map and get to the point where the room is. The entrance on that side is unlocked, so you won’t have any problems getting into Room 206. Go inside and you’ll find the Alan Wake 2 Room 209 key on the desk. Pick it up and step back to open the room.

For those who were expecting who knows what inside this room, we are sorry to disappoint you. Room 209 doesn’t keep many important things inside, other than minor things. For example, you can copy the locations of some special containers and Words of Power onto your map, as well as find things related to Warlin Door lore. However, although it is an optional area, our advice is still to explore it as it can be very useful for connecting the dots and discovering the mysteries hidden in the game world of Alan Wake 2.

Alan Wake 2 Room 209 Key Location

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