• Sat. Oct 26th, 2024

FAA UAS Symposium Time of Year | sUAS News


Apr 28, 2022

From the FAA mission statement – 
“We are accountable to the American public and our aviation stakeholders.” 
After 20 years of work towards NAS integration, I like to keep with tradition, and this iswhere I suggest the FAA folks and their minions reread the agency mission/visionstatement. Golly, why would we need to suggest they do that? As usual, the AUVSIfirewall doesn’t offer up any press passes for the rest of the stakeholders’ AKA bagholders. The paywall makes it challenging to educate those who cannot afford to seethe spectacle in person. 
There is more mumbo jumbo in the Values statement-
“Excellence is our promise. We seek results that embody professionalism, transparency,and accountability.” 
However, that does not apply to those who refuse to pay the ransom imposed by theworld’s largest advocacy group. Other Federal agencies, such as NASA, holdsymposiums for free. So why does it cost the taxpayer $399 to access public employeesin this case? Why does the FAA UAS symposium cost so much?
I’m going to save you unwashed bag holder types some hard-earned dough. This year’sscript will glorify the BVLOS ARC, the diverse participation, and hard work. The truebelievers will ooh and aah about all of the promises of BVLOS and that the FAA shouldsimply implement the recommendations. 
Heck, some carnival barker from Amazon might even say the ARC recommendationsmake the hundreds of dollars a delivery worth it. If history is our guide, we may have along wait. The Part 107 report was published on April 1, 2009, and the FAA took seven-plus years to churn out the well-intentioned rule. 
Five-plus years of FAA part 107 favour waivers do not constitute progress, and I don’tcare what anyone says. I will concede that getting rid of the Amazing Grogan wasprogress, and yes, that is me throwing a compliment to the FAA. 
Unfortunately, we cannot count on the “advocates” or lobbyists to ruffle any BVLOSrecommendation feathers by suggesting an expedite. They would risk losing thelucrative Fortune 500 Part 107 waiver and exemption gravy train.   On the Twitter @TheDroneDealer

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