Button City, a narrative adventure set in a pastel-coloured diorama world, has been confirmed as launching for Xbox Series X|S in Q3 2021.You might have played a bit of Button City already, when its demo became available during E3 — if you were curious about any of those demos, we played them all — and explored a little of its colourful world. Button City is all about a fox called Fennel, who’s trying to save his local arcade from the wonderfully-named “greedy fat cat” Peppermint Pepperbottom. It’s “inspired by 90s nostalgia,” and has your racing around to “complete quirky quests,” play arcade games, and solve puzzles. We enjoyed the demo, and thought it had a little of the same quirkiness to it as Donut County.We don’t yet have a specific release date beyond Q3 2021, but we do know for sure that Button City will launch for Xbox Series X|S later this year.
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