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Celeste Developers Reunited With Missing Game Awards Trophy


Feb 28, 2022

Image for article titled Celeste Developers Reunited With Game Awards Trophy Four Years After It Went Missing

Streamer Prestige Is Key was looking for a cool gaming souvenir the other day, but when he tried to buy a Game Awards trophy online he got a lot more than he was originally expecting.

Having been trying for years to buy a replica Game Award as a trinket he could put on his shelf, and never having any luck, he thought he’d finally found one on eBay a couple of weeks ago. Only this one, weirdly, wasn’t a replica; as PC Gamer report it was an actual Game Awards trophy, which had been handed out on stage.

Curious to find out what the hell was going on, Prestige asked where exactly the trophy had come from, but the seller of the award—a retailer that doesn’t normally deal with video game merch or collectibles—couldn’t provide much help other than say it had come from “liquidation sources”. Which suggests that maybe whoever won the award had gone out of business and the trophy had been seized as part of the closure.

Whatever, it was an actual trophy, something even cooler than the replica he’d originally been looking for, so Prestige bid on it and won:

Image for article titled Celeste Developers Reunited With Game Awards Trophy Four Years After It Went Missing

Upon receiving it—and having never seen one this “close” before, the heft of the thing (visible in the video at least) was very pleasing to me—he was able to instantly ascertain where it had come from. The base of the trophy had the year, category and winner on it and huh.

Image for article titled Celeste Developers Reunited With Game Awards Trophy Four Years After It Went Missing

Celeste was developed by Extremely OK Games, and they are very much still in business, so Prestige contacted them to let them know he’d just bought their trophy. They were able to partially solve the mystery by saying, surprisingly, that they had never got their award in the first place; despite receiving it from Ninja live on stage, the shows organisers took the trophy back shortly afterwards and said they’d mail it to them after the show. But never did.

So whoever was responsible for that fucked up somewhere along the way, meaning for four whole years Extremely OK Games could say they’d won a Game Award without ever being able to actually show it (UPDATE: I overlooked that they actually won two that night, this one and “Games For Impact”).

Seeing as he now owned someone else’s award, Prestige has decided to send the trophy to Celeste’s developers, who will be reimbursing him the cost of the auction and postage, and sending him some signed copies of Celeste in return.

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