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Warzone red door locations and where they lead to


Jun 26, 2021

Want to know where the red doors take you in Warzone? Warzone Season 4 adds even more content to the battle royale game, including new weapons, Ground Fall challenges, and crashed satellite and uplink locations. Arguably the biggest change to Verdansk has come in the form of red doors, mysterious portals that have the ability to take you across the map in seconds.

For those of you that didn’t play the Cold War single player campaign, the red doors were used as a mechanic to transport the player to completely different locations. Originally it was thought that these red doors could replace the subway system that was added to modern Verdansk, but it’s clear this mechanic isn’t very consistent. The red doors have set locations where they can spawn, but they won’t always appear in every match.

Using the red doors is simple enough, all you need to do is unlock the door and walk through. The problem is that you won’t necessarily be able to find a red door, even if you know where they are located. Here’s everything you need to know about the red doors, including where to find them and where they’ll take you.

Warzone red door locations

There are 30 different locations where red doors can spawn on Verdansk, but not every door is guaranteed to spawn. A lot of the doors are concentrated to one set area, so if you can’t find a red door the first time you look, refer to our map to find the closest door.

A map containing pins to all 30 red doors on '80s Verdansk

Here are a few of the Warzone red door locations:

  • Enter the building located in Summit next to the vehicle. Walk through and take the first door on the right side of the room. In there you should see the red door behind the door you just opened
  • There are two located within the largest building in Salt Mine: one can be found on the top floor, and a second red door is located on the middle floor
  • The second floor of Downtown Tower (originally Nakatomi Plaza) on the marble wall
  • Hidden within Stadium in the tunnels directly below the commentator’s box
  • A teaser image for the season revealed a red door located inside Hospital in the cafeteria

A red door can be used by anyone while it’s open, allowing you and your entire squad to travel through it. After a short period of time, the red door closes, stopping anyone from accessing it.

Where do the red doors take you in Warzone?

There are 12 confirmed destinations in Verdansk, though the final location has yet to be determined. We’d like to give a huge shout out to YouTuber Geeky Pastimes who managed to uncover most of these locations within hours of the update going live.

A map of '80s Verdansk with pins highlighting the areas where any of the red doors will take you

Here are the Warzone red door destinations:

  • Military Base
  • Above Bunker 0
  • North of ATC
  • Salt Mine
  • Lumber
  • Factory
  • Promenade East
  • School
  • Farmland
  • Storage
  • Block 18
  • Junkyard

Red doors aren’t guaranteed to take you to a set location every time. For example, if you take the portal in Summit, you aren’t always going to end up in Farmland. You can land in any of the 12 red door room locations. Going through a red door always brings you to a location containing multiple orange storage boxes containing high level loot. We’ve managed to find specialist tokens, powerful weapons, and a lot of cash in these rooms.

And that’s all there is to know about the red doors in Warzone. We’ll be updating this guide once all of the red doors have been discovered. In the meantime, have you looked at our best loadout drop guide? This is worth taking a closer look at, especially if you’re heading through the red doors as you may find a loadout drop marker. A new Warzone map is coming to the game with the release of the WWII Call of Duty game – read our guide to discover what will happen to ’80s Verdansk.

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