• Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Hello, PlayStation LifeStyle: I’m Your New Editor-in-Chief


Jan 4, 2022

Hello, PlayStation LifeStyle. I’m your new editor-in-chief, Paul Tamburro, and I couldn’t be more excited to be here.When I first approached PSLS founder Anthony Severino to discuss the potential of me taking over the reins of the site, the plan became more extensive — and more exciting — by the day. I’ve worked in media for nearly 15 years now, and throughout that time only a small number of opportunities have arisen that have felt “just right.” Opportunities where I knew exactly how I wanted to approach them, with an immediate vision before I’d even stepped through the door to start working. PSLS is one such opportunity.PlayStation LifeStyle has an enviable position as a long-running website with a dedicated base of readers who have stood by its side since the very beginning. There are a great number of you who are incredibly loyal to PSLS, still regarding it as your go-to for PlayStation news, reviews, and features. When I thought of what should be done for the site, I thought of what you would want.In its best times, PSLS has been a family of writers and readers who love everything PlayStation; there’s no way this could be the singular creative vision of one person. The changes made here need to reflect more than that. We can’t just be another gaming website firing content out into the ether, waiting to see what will stick. We need to reflect who we are: an enthusiast site written by people who love PlayStation, for people who love PlayStation.So what does this mean for PSLS? In the coming weeks, you’ll see PlayStation LifeStyle’s output shift to focus more on conversation starters than by-the-numbers regurgitation of news. If you want to find PlayStation news, you can find any number of sites that will provide just that — at PSLS, you’ll find a passionate team of writers solely focusing on stories we think you’ll be interested in. My goal is for our readers to routinely ask the question: “I wonder what PlayStation LifeStyle is talking about today?”This will all be complemented by exciting changes to the website’s design. We’re currently working on big improvements that will make the site run smoother, dramatically enhance the user experience (including ads!), and will generally tidy everything up. PSLS will also receive a design overhaul that will not only help us better present our daily content, but will also allow us to provide a site that’s a true celebration of everything PlayStation. You’ll hear more about that in the near future, but needless to say regardless of which generation of PlayStation is your favorite, you’ll be pleased with what we come up with.Ultimately, we’re not going to be boring. We’re not going to fart out stories we don’t care about to a disillusioned audience who doesn’t care either. We’re going to cultivate a community of passionate writers engaging enthusiastic readers, where both can discuss, enthuse, complain, and opine together. We want to make this a special corner of the internet for every fan of PlayStation games and consoles, from the kid sitting in front of their TV in ’98 having their mind blown by Metal Gear Solid, to the twenty-something-year-old marveling at Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart. I look forward to you joining us for this exciting new chapter in PlayStation LifeStyle’s history.Follow Paul Tamburro on Twitter.Write for PlayStation LifeStyleIf you want to write for PlayStation LifeStyle, email [email protected] with an overview of your experience and reasons why you’re the ideal fit for the site.

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