• Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

What are Xbox achievements? A beginner’s guide to Gamerscore


Dec 26, 2021

Put simply, an Xbox achievement is an indicator that you have completed a specific action, or series of actions, while playing an Xbox game. Microsoft has a rule: there has to be a list of achievements attached to any game in its final release on an Xbox platform (as opposed to a Beta or Game Preview early access release). Since Microsoft has started expanding onto PC and mobile, most games that use Xbox Live as a way to sign in and get online also have achievements lists. In recent years it has typically been mandatory for an achievement list’s Gamerscore value to add up to 1000 Gamerscore in total – at least, it should before you start including downloadable content or free game updates, both of which can also add new achievements with additional Gamerscore value. If you are signed in to Xbox Live and you meet the requirements for an achievement, you will get a notification. That achievement is now permanently “unlocked” on your profile. On Xbox, it’ll appear as an expanding pill-shaped box, usually at the bottom of the screen and coloured with whatever colour you’ve picked for your dashboard. You will see the name of the achievement, the Gamerscore and the description provided by the publisher, along with a tantalising tinkly sound if you unlock a rare one.When you unlock an achievement, you earn Gamerscore. The most common Gamerscore values are 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 and 100, but publishers can assign whatever Gamerscore they want – as long as, these days, the main list excluding DLC adds up to 1000G overall.Microsoft totals up your overall Gamerscore and displays it under your gamertag in a number of places – on your friends list, on your Xbox Companion app on PC, on your smartphone app, and on your dashboard.

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