Subterra’s recipe system lets you make different items out of components. Fortunately, with our Subterra recipes guide, we lay out the ingredients you need to save you going hunting for the scrolls themselves.
If you’d like to get right to mining, you can play Subterra now over on Roblox. We’ve also got a Subterra codes guide if you’d like some shards and money together before you even start mining.
Subterra Recipes Guide
Normally, recipes are rewards found in chests while exploring. Using one will let you memorize the recipe. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to use them to make items.
But there’s a shortcut. If you know the recipe ahead of time, you can create the items without the recipe card, and unlock it that way. So you could experiment… or you could just read our guide and find the recipes ahead of time. Keep in mind you’ll still need the right ingredients, so it’s not super OP.
How To Craft
To craft a recipe, place the correct items onto the Crafting Altar. You find this on the town on the surface, to the right of the Buy zone. Place items on the plinths surrounding the Altar to start crafting. If the ingredients are correct it should create the item in question.
Recipe Cheat Sheet
Here are the recipes we’ve been able to find so far. You sometimes need more than one of an ingredient to make an recipe work. If used correctly, once you’ve generated these once, the recipe should be added to your collection permanently.
Small Health Potion
- 1 Water Flask
- 2 Roots
- 1 Life Shard
Sticky Dynamite
Sticky Dynamites
Sticky C4
Small Sticky Bomb
- 3 Slime Chunk
- 1 Small Bomb