In a recent update of Dig It following the Lunar New Year 2025 Celebrations, the game now has Secret rarity items. Gone are the days of Mythicals being sought-after, now you’ll want to get your hands on some Dig It Secret Items to flex in servers. This guide tells you what the Secret items are, their chances and how to find them! Let’s get digging for clues…
Start playing Dig It on Roblox. For more guides on this game, I’ve dug up our Dig It Mounts Guide and Dig It Events Guide.
Dig It Secret Items Guide
Let’s dig right in! (Sorry…)
How To Find Secret Items
The Secret Items around Dig It have an incredibly low encounter chance and spawn anywhere. This means there’s no set Island preference, and it’s entirely RNG-based luck. The exact chance of encountering a Secret is suspected as 1 in 100,000. Though, having a high-luck Shovel would favour your odds…
More than bragging rights, the Secrets also come equipped with unique abilities that don’t aid in gameplay, but make for a fun distraction. Don’t worry, despite their abilities, the Secret Items don’t disappear on use. Unless you sell them of course.
Secret Items List
Let’s get into each item and its ability.
- Dimensional Door
- On placement, the player enters the door and teleports into the Void. This small hub offers relaxation for players and a preview of previous in-game collection items.
- Pocket Cat
- Turn into a cat. It’s simple and wonderful.
- Philosopher
- When holding, the Philosopher Head will generate new messages completely erratic and off-topic from what the holder types into the in-game chatbox.
- Sky Ladder
- The tallest Secret item! As advertised, the player with this item reaches for the skies, climbing the Ladder on placement. At the top waits a small transparent cloud for them to wander on.
- Kawaii Nuke
- Think the standard Nuke but pink with a :3 face. Explodes cutely on use, killing the holder and leaving a trail of colourful sparkles.
- Disco Ball
- When activated, the ball floats above the player and forces them to boogie on a beat.
- Body Pillow
- Snuggle a pillow with your avatar on it… Moving on.
- Scissors
- This hilarious Secret item changes the hairstyle of unsuspecting players on the receiving end.
- Ban Hammer
- Allows non-administrative players to troll-ban other players with silly personalised reasonings. This only kicks other players from the game, don’t worry!