In this Dig It bags guide, I list the various bags you can obtain, how many items they hold, level requirements, and how much they cost.
Store more items in Dig It! You need plenty of space in your bag when you’re farming items for in-game coins. One of the locations you’ll be digging at is an island with a pirate theme – check out our Dig It Piratesburg Collection guide.
Dig It Bags
When you’ve been digging up items for a while, you may notice that your inventory space is pretty limited! Once you have no more space, you can place your items in the Bank on Nookville Island or sell them to a Merchant NPC.
Upgrading your bag means you have additional space to collect more items without having to go back and forth too often. Of course, getting these bags requires saving up in-game coins, so each upgrade takes time.
Obtainable Bags
Here’s where you can find each bag, their capacities, and how much they cost.
Starter Bag
Every player starts with this one during the tutorial quests, and because of that, it’s nothing special.
- Capacity: 12 items
- Location: Closeby to the Banker NPC on Nookville Island
Travel Bag
This one isn’t much of an upgrade, but it’ll do.
- Costs: 30 coins (must be level 1+)
- Capacity: 14
- Location: Closeby to the Banker NPC on Nookville Island
A step up! It’s a money bag with a dollar sign on the front.
- Costs: 750 coins (must be level 5+)
- Capacity: 19
- Location: Closeby to the Banker NPC on Nookville Island
Crate Backpack
A crate for a backpack.
- Costs: 3.5K coins (must be level 10+)
- Capacity: 24
- Location: Purchasable at Piratesburg
Chest Backpack
A treasure chest on your back.
- Costs: 10K coins (must be level 15+)
- Capacity: 29
- Location: Purchasable at Piratesburg
Vase Backpack
A vase with faces doodled on it.
- Costs: 17.5K coins (must be level 20+)
- Capacity: 34
- Location: Purchasable at the Badlands
Coffin Backpack
A backpack in the shape of a coffin.
- Costs: 25K coins (must be level 25+)
- Capacity: 39
- Location: Purchasable at the Badlands
Gift Backpack
A red gift box tied with a bow.
- Costs: 40K coins (must be level 35+)
- Capacity: 44
- Location: Purchasable at Permafrost
Nuke Backpack
It looks exactly as you’d expect.
- Costs: 60K coins (must be level 50+)
- Capacity: 91
- Location: On top of a box at Nookville by the Nuke Statue
Infinite Backpack
- Costs: 399 Robux (those who played the game before 1.1 received this item for free)
- Capacity: Unlimited
- Location: Purchasable at Nookville by the Banker NPC
Unobtainable Bags
You can’t get these bags! They’re either part of a limited-time event or they were obtainable for those who played the game when it was new.
OG Backpack
The same as the Infinite backpack but with ‘fewer’ slots…and it’s red.
- Only obtainable if you played the game before 1.1
- Capacity: 600