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Can Wasm replace containers? | InfoWorld


Nov 11, 2024

If WASM+WASI existed in 2008, we wouldn’t have needed to have created Docker. That’s how important it is. WebAssembly on the server is the future of computing.

The devil is in the details. What Hykes meant to say was that if Wasm had existed back then, the need for containers like Docker wouldn’t have been as acute. Yet, that did not happen, and we live in a universe where Docker containers reign. Replacing mission-critical Linux-based containers is not a trivial act. As Hykes explains:

That tweet of mine was widely misunderstood. It was interpreted as WebAssembly is going to replace Docker containers. I did not think then that it would happen, and lo and behold, it did not happen, and in my opinion, will never happen. Now that Docker exists and is a standard, WebAssembly and WASI, as cool as they are, are very different. It’s not at all a replacement. It has a very different shape.

Most agree that WebAssembly beats containers in the browser, edge computing use cases, sandboxed plugins, and certain serverless functions. While some are more confident about the transformative potential Wasm will have, outlooks are split on Wasm as a long-term replacement for server-side containers or stateful, long-running server processes. Below, we’ll dive deeper to compare where exactly Wasm beats containers, and where it doesn’t.

Where Wasm beats containers

Some developers see Wasm getting extensive use across applications, especially where containers are too clunky. “Wasm is just as adept in embedded IoT as it is in massive cloud infrastructure,” says Matt Butcher, co-founder and CEO of Fermyon. “Wasm is an excellent technology for serverless functions, IoT, edge computing, and plugin-style extension mechanisms,” he says.

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