• Tue. Oct 1st, 2024

Grab more D&D 5e adventures than you’ll ever have time to play for just $18 in Humble Bundle’s latest absurd offering


Oct 1, 2024

Between Humble Bundle and Bundle of Holding, it’s never been cheaper to build up a truly enormous library of books for Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop RPGs. The latest truckload of PDFs on offer for a pittance includes a spread of D&D 5e adventures and supplements by Goodman Games, with 35 books plus VTT goodies available for just $18 / £13.66.

Goodman Games is most well-known for the excellent Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG and its many adventures, which hark back to the old days of D&D. Though I haven’t played these D&D 5e adventures of theirs, I have very much enjoyed their work with DCC—based on the previews, these books seem to carry over the same charmingly old school artwork, useful maps, creatively strange ideas, and intricate dungeon design, so I feel pretty comfortable predicting they’ll be good fun.

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