• Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Devas of Creation Karnak Boss Guide – Mechanics and How to Counter Them – Gamezebo


Sep 10, 2024

The Devas of Creation Karnak boss is tough. With mechanics that kill you in one blow and a ton of trial and error, it’s no wonder that some players are struggling.

Ready to defeat Devas of Creation’s Karnak? Gear up before you attempt any boss fight with our Devas of Creation Weapons guide and our Devas of Creation Stats guide!

Devas of Creation Karnak Guide

Karnak The Conqueror is a level 37 boss that can be frustrating when first going up against him… or the first few times. It goes without saying that you need to be adequately levelled and geared before you attempt to fight him. I recommend going in with a friend or a group of people that you meet on the server, however, it’s possible to solo Karnak with some perseverance.

The reason why I suggest having a party with you is because of the level 35 Ogre Shaman mobs that spawn during the boss fight. Having multiple people present means you can split up between attacking the mobs and dealing damage to the boss.

Karnak Mechanics

At some point during the battle, Karnak opens his arms out wide and screams. This indicates that the boss is about to jump up into the air before slamming down to the ground, killing you and your party in one shot. You can either shield up (if you have the correct skill) or quickly roll out of the way to dodge the attack.

The best way to counter his axe attacks is by parrying with your weapon, most notably a sword or dagger. This takes some trial and error as you have to get the timing right! Failing to do this properly leads to you getting hit. Karnak’s axe turns red at times, and the only way to avoid this is by dodging as quickly as possible.

There’s another move that allows Karnak to one-shot the entire team. When you see him sprint forward into a wall, this causes broken pieces of rock to fall from the sky. Anyone hit by these falling rocks is defeated immediately. Shield up and move around to stay out of their path!

As you can tell, Karnak relies on attacks that can kill in one swift move. You need a healer in your party and it helps if you all have a shield ability. Some weapons have unlockable shield skills! Parrying and dodging are the main 2 ways of countering the boss. Plus, keeping an eye on any indications of Karnak’s next move.

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