• Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

What Does Each War Within Crafting Stats do?


Aug 27, 2024

Dragonflight added new stats for professions, and those remain in War Within. In this article, we’ll take a look at the system, which hasn’t changed much if at all since Dragonflight.

There are a number of new and interesting changes in War Within, and professions are one of the most notable. A feature that has seen little change in the game’s 18 years, is finally getting the facelift it deserves. However, there’s one new feature, in particular, that might confuse some. New Profession stats have entered the game, so we’re here to explain what they all do.

War Within Crafting stats

Firstly, let’s take a look at the stats that will impact your crafting professions in War Within. We’ve got four stats to play with here: Inspiration, Resourcefulness, Crafting Speed, and Multicraft. While this might sound obvious, it’s not always made perfectly clear, so let’s take a look.


Inspiration gives you an x% chance to become inspired when you craft an item.

This will make crafts while inspired and give an “X” number of bonus skills. The TLDR version is that you have a small chance to make a better version of a craft while inspired. So, at your current rank, you might be able to make a 2-star version of an item. When an item is inspired, it will then become a 3-star version. The chance to become inspired might be just 20%, and the chance to then inspire an item might be as low as 10%. But, it does give you the incentive to keep crafting once inspired for a chance to make a special item.

” It is based on your current skill and the recipe difficulty. When Inspiration procs, it gives a bonus to your skill of a fixed amount. If this bonus pushes your crafting skill past the next quality breakpoint, you will get a higher quality level. If your base skill is too far away from the next quality level then it won’t bump up.”

  • 33.334% of the recipe difficulty for recipes that produce Q1-3 items
  • 16.667% of the recipe difficulty for recipes that produce equipment


War Within Crafting Stats


Resourcefulness gives you a % of your resources for the craft back

It means that you have that % chance to get back that resource. The more resources a craft uses, the higher the chance you have to get it back. This isn’t the sexiest of bonus stats, but it certainly might be the one that saves you some gold early on into War Within. However, this won’t affect the Soulbound reagents used, just gathering and vendor items. Though, it’s still great if you pair a crafting profession with a gathering profession.

Crafting Speed

You craft faster

Honestly, it’s the most simple and probably the least desired of all the new stats. Unless you’re mass crafting and need to make it to a hot date, or a raid I guess. I don’t see when this will be a massive boon for anyone.


The percentage chance to craft more than one of the items you’re crafting

At first, this sounds like the cream of the crop. The percentage chance to craft more than one of the items you’re crafting. However, if you think this works on weapons and armor, we’ve got bad news for you. In reality, this is for the Alchemy mains among you. Crafting hundreds of potions and flasks at a time, with a small chance to craft a handful more as well. Basically, it’s that feature we used to have, which Blizzard removed, but we’ve got it back again. Obviously, it has uses for folks outside of Alchemy, with each profession gaining some sort of benefit from it.

War Within Gathering Stats

For those of you who are more interested in mining rocks or picking herbs. This is the section for you. Here, we’ll take a look at the three Gathering stats in War Within: Finesse, Deftness, and Perception. Unlike Crafting, these are slightly less obvious at first glance and are also the inspiration for the crafting of this article.


Finesse is a percent chance to gather more of a particular node

So, if you head out to mine some Draconium Ore, you might net yourself a few extra ores. Sadly, we don’t know at this time if it affects bonus “rare” items that drop alongside a node, but we hope so. While it’s a fairly simple stat, it’s likely to be the one everyone is the most interested in.

Dragonflight professions stats


Gathering speed

We assume Blizzard decided to open up their glossary for the Gathering stats rather than just using “gathering speed”. Basically, you’ll gather faster, making your gather route quicker so you’ll get more money. As a Goblin probably once said, “Time is money, friend”. And when has a Goblin ever lied to you?


Increases your ability to spot rare reagents while gathering

The below is from the OG article written Prior to DF. We now know exactly what this does. Perception will give you a chance to find rare “alternative” gathering items. This can include simply rare mining/herbing/skinning items, but also it includes knowledge-increasing items.

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