• Sun. Oct 27th, 2024

How To Sell Your Friend On Playing A Video Game You Love


Jul 5, 2024

Alphinaud wielding his Sage weapons in combat

Image: Square Enix

We all have that one game we love so much, we want to share with as many people as possible. Unless you’re a gatekeeper of the things that bring you joy, you’ve probably tried to get a friend, family member, partner, or stranger on the street to play a game you love in hopes that it will similarly enrich their lives. The sad truth, however, is that it doesn’t always work out. But how can this be? I know how good [insert game here] is! Why are they not immediately jumping on it as I’m telling them it will change their life?

Friends, I’ll tell you this: If I’ve learned anything from talking about video games for decades, it’s that selling people on something you love is a skill not everyone has. You can give the most passionate reasoning as to why someone should play a video game and there’s a non-zero chance that you could actually make them want to play it less. Here are a few tips on the dos and don’ts of selling people on playing the games you love.

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