• Sat. Oct 26th, 2024

Unrecord vs Bodycam: Which One is Better?


Jun 11, 2024

Unrecord vs Bodycam? The world of ultra-realistic FPS is becoming increasingly rich in games. Two of the latest additions to this genre are Unrecord and Bodycam. Both are games that have in common the genre they belong to and become part of the small niche of bodycam games. However, players are wondering what the differences are and which is better between the two.

In this article, therefore, we will give you a general presentation of what both games represent and then underline the differences and similarities between the two games. This way, you will be able to understand which one is best based on your needs.

Unrecord vs Bodycam

Unrecord is a tactical shooter that provides a captivating and narrative-rich adventure. It boasts intricate dialogues, innovative gameplay elements, challenging ethical decisions, and a distinctive shooting mechanism. The narrative in Unrecord resembles a detective story or thriller. Players must investigate multiple criminal cases and interact with a variety of characters. The game’s story and its presentation are integral to the gameplay, offering players different scenes and numerous surprising twists.

Bodycam is a super-realistic multiplayer first-person shooter game made with the latest Unreal Engine 5 technology. The game aims to set new standards for realism and lifelike visuals, offering a groundbreaking experience in the genre. Get ready for intense combat with your teammates, where you will need to plan strategies and use your gear to defeat opponents. Working together and communicating with your teammates will be key to victory.

unrecord vs bodycam


As for the commonalities between Unrecord and Bodycam, the first obvious thing to mention is the genre they belong to. Both are super realistic tactical shooters who seem to have the goal of laying the foundations for this subgenre. Obviously, we don’t know if this will actually be the case. Unrecord doesn’t have a launch date yet, and Bodycam was just released in Early Access.

Another thing they have in common is certainly the use of the camera, which is a point of discussion for many users. In fact, both use the body cam as a camera effect. This means that the movement of the camera is like what you would have if you were wearing it, complete with fast and continuous movements.

This is actually an aspect that has generated conflicting opinions among users. There are those who said they were enthusiastic about this choice, while there are those who expressed their doubts regarding motion sickness. In fact, such sudden camera movements could cause a lot of nausea for players, especially those who are more sensitive.

However, there are testimonies from those who have already played several hours in Bodycam who state that this is not true, at least in their experience. So, what a potential motion sickness issue looks like is something very subjective that depends on player to player.

We have not yet had the opportunity to see Unrecord in action properly since it is not yet available, but according to what has been said, it seems that even at a gameplay level, there are many points of contact between the two games. And it wouldn’t even be a surprise, frankly. After all, these are games belonging to the same genre, so it is normal that there are similarities in terms of gameplay and game mechanics.

unrecord vs bodycam


Regarding the differences between Unrecord and Bodycam, we cannot yet give precise information. All we know is that Unrecord also seems to focus a lot on the narrative aspect, which instead falls into the background in Bodycam. Unrecord, in fact, will put us in the shoes of a detective and our task will be to analyze scenes and solve crimes.

This narrative and investigative aspect is not present in Bodycam, which, instead, focuses more on pure gameplay. There are the classic modes present in the various games of the genre that will allow you to create a team and try to bring home the victory.


Giving a precise answer is never easy, but in this case, it is even less so since one of the two games is not available to be played. Consequently, recommending one over the other would truly be an impossibility. However, we can give some small insights based on the material we currently have available.

Although both games belong to the same genre, Bodycam is more focused on teamwork and completing matches, as in the most classic FPS currently on the market. Unrecord, on the other hand, also places a lot of emphasis on the story it wants to tell and doesn’t just focus on the gameplay.

For this reason, at least according to the information currently in our possession, Bodycam is recommended for all those who intend to play with their friends, while Unrecord is for all those who want to take on the role of a detective and solve crimes.

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