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Why SQL still rules | InfoWorld


Mar 4, 2024

SQL, the Structured Query Language, remains one of the most widely used programming languages, coming in fourth in Stack Overflow’s research for 2023. Just over half (51.52%) of professional developers use SQL in their work, but only around a third (35.29%) of those learning to code use SQL.For a language that has remained in use for decades, SQL has a mixed reputation among developers. Why does SQL remain in use when so many other languages have come and gone? And why does SQL have a bright future still?Ubiquity and stabilityOne reason why SQL remains in use is because it is ubiquitous. Knowing SQL is a base-level skill for many developers, leading to a large pool of people with the skills available. In turn, this encourages more people to learn SQL, as they can see the demand for people with those skills and deliver career opportunities they can take advantage of.Alongside this ubiquity, SQL is stable. It is an effective standard that developers can rely on and it won’t change from version to version. This makes SQL suitable for long-term support planning, and the teams involved can plan ahead around their data infrastructure. This also makes it simpler to transition projects between different developers as staff members change roles.Following on from this, SQL makes it easier to meet compatibility requirements around data within applications. Using SQL as your approach to interrogating data in one data component makes it easier to transfer over to using another option if your needs change. For example, if you decide to switch from one database to another, you would not need to edit how your application logic works when using SQL terms, as these are the same everywhere.Because SQL acts like a standard, one benefit is that it makes it easier to make your data portable. Rather than being tied to a specific database with its own language and way of storing data, SQL ensures that your data is yours and you can do what you want with it. Effectively, you no longer have to think specifically about your databases and what they can deliver. Instead, you can look at the tools that exist within the language as the point of control over your infrastructure planning process. As an example, consider your choices around running a database like MySQL, and then wanting to change to another option like PostgreSQL. These databases would be different in how they operate and manage data over time. However, from a functional point of view, using SQL to interrogate that data would give you the same results.Backed by scienceAlongside the popularity of SQL as a language, it is also worth looking at what SQL delivers from a technology standpoint. On this front, the biggest benefit is that it is logical in its design. This means that, when you understand how it works, it can be used in elegant and clever ways. As part of this, we do have to look at the link between SQL and relational databases. For many developers, SQL is tied very tightly to the relational database model, with all the strengths and failings that this might have. However, SQL as a language is separate from relational databases, and it is important not to conflate the two together.Nowadays many non-relational databases have embraced a table-like model and SQL language. It’s been a long time since SQL and the relational model were synonymous, and with the rise of non-relational databases the boundaries have become more fluid. For example, some key-value stores and some document store databases have adopted a table-like structure for organizing their data, and some provide a subset of SQL or a SQL-like query language for enhanced accessibility and to make it easier for developers to work with their products.Over the years, the relational model has proved to be an extremely effective one for database designs. The reason for this is that the model is based on solid mathematical theory that is very precise. These strong theoretical foundations are why relational databases have remained so popular in computer science and software engineering generally. SQL has made it easier to access that logical and computing power over time, and to keep those systems running in a uniform way that everyone can understand.While I have mentioned that SQL is a de facto standard, like any other standard it has evolved over time and can be extended when planned well. The best example of this evolution is the change in the standard that allows database vendors to support different JSON formats in 2016. For many years, developers who wanted to work with JSON had the option to use document-oriented databases like MongoDB for their data store, while other databases would be secondary options due to performance and ease of use. Today, that is not the case, as many relational databases like PostgreSQL have implemented JSON support that can work as fast or even faster than document-oriented databases for certain workloads. This support makes it easier for developers to design systems and infrastructure that directly supports their application goals, rather than being tied to a specific approach.Owning the optimizationAnother benefit of SQL is that it is a declarative language. Declarative programming works by describing what you want the program to do, rather than specifying the steps that you want the program to take to do it. For developers and databases, this makes creating queries easier, because you can concentrate on the result you want to achieve rather than putting together the whole calculation. In effect, SQL lets you describe the outcome, and leaves the complexity of executing the calculation to the database.Like any powerful language, SQL has its critics. For example, one common complaint is that SQL optimizers are not very effective at improving performance. While you might want to improve your results and the speed of response, these tools are only as powerful as the amount of work that you put in at the start. We sometimes face a similar problem with language compilers. Although compilers usually succeed at turning the developer’s code into a smaller and faster binary, they have been known to fail badly on occasion, with the opposite result.As a developer, you may need to assist the compiler or optimizer to achieve the right results. Sometimes this knowledge can be obscure! Like Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben said, great power comes with great responsibility. You should expect to optimize your SQL approach yourself as much as possible, rather than solely relying on tools to deliver improvements. Another common criticism of SQL is due to its strong link to relational databases. How can something so deeply rooted in traditional database design be right for the modern world? Of course, the combination of SQL and relational databases continues to serve hundreds of use cases today, delivering scalability and performance that can meet application needs. The challenge is to design your approach based on understanding what SQL is good at delivering.Meeting modern developer needsAs the demand for software, the pace of software development, and the number of developers have increased, the challenge for SQL is that fewer developers have a deep understanding of how SQL operates from a theoretical perspective. While movements like devops and site reliability engineering concentrate on meeting the demands that businesses have around IT services, the roles involved tend to cover multiple parts of the IT stack rather than specific functions.Although these roles theoretically focus on the total system, there is not enough focus on how to align the business logic, or what the customer wants to achieve, with the intricacies of the infrastructure. Why is this so important? Because a database architecture must not only meet functional requirements but also align with performance, scalability, and security objectives. Without both, you lack a solid foundation for successful software development.When applications start to scale massively or when performance problems appear, knowing how SQL works can prove to be extremely useful. Understanding query design, such as how to cherry-pick data from a larger table rather than parsing data from the same table multiple times, can have a huge impact on performance. These data management skills effectively depend on understanding database theory. This takes time to understand and deploy in practice, but it is essential to deliver better results.Learning any language can be difficult and time-consuming. Many of us don’t have the time to dig into the principles and then apply that knowledge across languages and applications. However, this does lead to problems such as poor performance, which then become harder to diagnose and treat effectively. Deploying the wrong kind of database can also affect the success of your project. You can be very happy with one database that is great for certain use cases, but it might not be right for everything. SQL makes it easier to abstract those requirements away from the underlying infrastructure. Even if you make a mistake with your database choice, SQL makes it easier to move to a better option.SQL remains popular with many users, and it will remain popular because it solves some of the biggest challenges that exist around how to work with data. It may have a scary reputation for some, but that does not take away from the huge amount of information technology that relies on SQL every day to provide us with value. Long may we SELECT SQL and CREATE value with it.Charly Batista is PostgreSQL technical lead at Percona.—New Tech Forum provides a venue for technology leaders—including vendors and other outside contributors—to explore and discuss emerging enterprise technology in unprecedented depth and breadth. The selection is subjective, based on our pick of the technologies we believe to be important and of greatest interest to InfoWorld readers. InfoWorld does not accept marketing collateral for publication and reserves the right to edit all contributed content. Send all inquiries to doug_dineley@foundryco.com.

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