• Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

All Persona 3 Reload Bosses


Jan 31, 2024

In Persona 3 Reload (the remake of the old Persona 3), you will have the opportunity to fight against a myriad of different bosses. They are mainly divided into three categories: story bosses, Tartarus Guardians, and superbosses. In this article, therefore, we will tell you what all the Persona 3 Reload bosses are that you will have the opportunity to face during your adventure. Keep in mind, however, that some of these are not mandatory to defeat for the continuation of the plot, so you can also decide not to face them if you have difficulty.

All Persona 3 Reload Bosses Listed

Let’s start by saying that the list of Persona 3 Reload bosses is quite long. Not only because there are three different categories, but also because in each of them there are many bosses that you can face. In any case, don’t worry; we will explain everything to you as clearly as possible.

Story Bosses

As you can imagine, these are bosses that can be tackled as you progress through the main quest. You can’t help but defeat them if you want to see the credits. Furthermore, for this very reason, their presence is also very important from the side of the game plot, so also pay close attention to the dialogues and the way in which the combat takes place. Below is the complete list of Persona 3 Reload story bosses.

May – July

  • Priestess
    • Recommended level: 10+
    • Date encountered: May 9th
    • Location: Iwatodai Station
  • Emperor
    • Recommended level: 16+
    • Date encountered: June 8th
    • Location: Tartarus
  • Empress
    • Recommended level: 16+
    • Date encountered: June 8th
    • Location: Tartarus
  • Hierophant
    • Recommended level: 24+
    • Date encountered: July 7th
    • Location: Shirakawa Boulevard
  • Lovers
    • Recommended level: 25+
    • Date encountered: July 7th
    • Location: Shirakawa Boulevard

August – October

  • Chariot
    • Recommended level: 31+
    • Date encountered: August 6th
    • Location: Underground Base
  • Justice
    • Recommended level: 31+
    • Date encountered: August 6th
    • Location: Underground Base
  • Hermit
    • Recommended level: 39+
    • Date encountered: September 5th
    • Location: Paulownia Mall
  • Fortune
    • Recommended level: 46+
    • Date encountered: October 4th
    • Location: Iwatodai Station
  • Strength
    • Recommended level: 46+
    • Date encountered: October 4th
    • Location: Iwatodai Station

November – January

  • Takaya Sakaki
    • Recommended level: 53+
    • Date encountered: November 3rd
    • Location: Moonlight Bridge
  • Jin Shirato
    • Recommended level: 53+
    • Date encountered: November 3rd
    • Location: Moonlight Bridge
  • Hanged Man
    • Recommended level: 54+
    • Date encountered: November 3rd
    • Location: Moonlight Bridge
  • Chidori Yoshino
    • Recommended level: 56+
    • Date encountered: November 22nd
    • Location: N/A
  • Jin Shirrato
    • Recommended level: 74+
    • Date encountered: January 31st
    • Location: Tartarus
  • Takaya Sakaki
    • Recommended level: 75+
    • Date encountered: January 31st
    • Location: Tartarus
  • Nyx Avatar
    • Recommended level: 76+
    • Date encountered: January 31st
    • Location: Tartarus

Persona 3 Reload Bosses

Tartarus Guardians

These particular types of bosses that you can encounter in Persona 3 Reload are those found inside Tartarus. Keep in mind that some of these bosses will have to be fought together, so the challenge level is decidedly high. Do not engage in these fights if you are not ready or have a character level too low compared to that of the boss. Let’s see together which Persona 3 Reload Tartarus Guardians you can face.

1st – 50th Floor

  • Venus Eagle
    • Recommended level: 5+
    • Location: 1st – 5th floor
  • Dancing Hand
    • Recommended level: 7+
    • Location: 6th – 10th floor
  • Rampage Drive
    • Recommended level: 8+
    • Location: 11th – 14th floor
  • Crying Table
    • Recommended level: 14+
    • Location: 15th – 25th floor
  • Change Relic
    • Recommended level: 17+
    • Location: 26th – 36th floor
  • Golden Beetle
    • Recommended level: 19+
    • Location: 37th – 47th floor

51st – 100th Floor

  • Intrepid Knight
    • Recommended level: 26+
    • Location: 48th – 59th floor
  • Furious Gigas
    • Recommended level: 29+
    • Location: 60th – 72nd floor
  • Fanatic Tower
    • Recommended level: 34+
    • Location: 73rd – 85th floor
  • Magical Magus
    • Recommended level: 38+
    • Location: 86th – 98th floor

101st – 150th Floor

  • Natural Dancer
    • Recommended level: 40+
    • Location: 99th – 110th floor
  • Arcane Turret
    • Recommended level: 41+
    • Location: 111th – 122nd floor
  • Sleeping Table
    • Recommended level: 50+
    • Location: 123rd – 135th floor
  • Hell Knight
    • Recommended level: 48+
    • Location: 136th – 146th floor

151st – 200th Floor

  • Mythical Gigas
    • Recommended level: 48+
    • Location: 147th – 160th floor
  • Judgement Sword
    • Recommended level: 54+
    • Location: 161st – 171st floor
  • Statis Giant
    • Recommended level: 58+
    • Location: 172nd – 180th floor
  • Phantom King
    • Recommended level: 57+
    • Location: 181st – 190th floor

201st – 252nd Floor

  • Royal Dancer
    • Recommended level: 61+
    • Location: 191st – 201st floor
  • Reckoning Dice
    • Recommended level: 62+
    • Location: 202nd – 211th floor
  • Noble Seeker
    • Recommended level: 63+
    • Location: 212th – 220th floor
  • Carnal Snake
    • Recommended level: 67+
    • Location: 221st – 228th floor
  • World Balance
    • Recommended level: 72+
    • Location: 229th – 236th floor
  • Fierce Cyclops
    • Recommended level: 71+
    • Location: 237th – 244th floor
  • Jotun of Grief
    • Recommended level: 73+
    • Location: 245th – 252nd floor

Persona 3 Reload Bosses


These bosses can only be fought if you meet certain requirements in Persona 3 Reload. As you can imagine from the name, they are not easy opponents to face and will put you in serious difficulty, so you will have to be at a high level to ensure you have at least some chance. Here is the list of all the Persona 3 reload superbosses that you can encounter in the game.

  • The Reaper
  • Elizabeth
  • Theodore
  • Margaret

Persona 3 Reload Bosses

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