• Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Apex Legends Season 19: Legends Tier List


Dec 31, 2023

The best part about Apex Legends is a battle royale largely defined by its Legends. This Legends Tier List highlights the best in the game

Apex Legends is a battle royale that relies heavily on its unique movement mechanics. The game also features unparalleled gunplay. The game also has unique Legends with their own set of abilities. These Legends and their abilities define the meta of the game. Each Legend has unique passive, tactical, and ultimate abilities. All of these abilities come together and create the perfect competitor.

The Legends will be ranked in this tier list according to their viability in the game. These Legends will give you a competitive advantage in an encounter. Their abilities shine in these battles and give them the edge required to win. The characters ranked top are also used in the highest competitive format of Apex, the Apex Legends Global Series (ALGS).

The Best Legends Tier List

Apex Legends Season 19: Legends Tier List - Who’s the Best?

Credit: TierMaker

S Horizon, Catalyst, Pathfinder
A Wraith, Bangalore, Bloodhound, Revenant, Wattson
B Conduit, Caustic, Crypto, Gibraltar, Loba, Rampart, Newcastle
C Fuse, Lifeline, Valkyrie, Vantage, Octane, Mad Maggie
D Ash, Ballistic, Mirage
F Seer

We will be covering the S and A tiers today. The Legends here are the best in the game and see the most play in the ALGS. They’re also some of the best characters to play with to just enjoy the game.

The A Tier

The A Tier features some of the best legends that define the current meta in the game. It highlights how important movement, recon, and defense are meta-defining.

Wattson – Static Defender

Apex Legends Season 19: Legends Tier List - Who’s the Best?

Credit: EA

  • Passive: Spark of Genius
  • Tactical: Perimeter Security
  • Ultimate: Interception Pylon

Wattson is the second defensive Legend introduced to the game and since then, she has been the queen of tower defense. Wattson’s kit has one of the best tacticals in the game, the Perimeter Security or better known as electric fences. These fences can be deployed in quick succession allowing her to lock up a building in mere seconds. The fences also provide intel when someone crosses it and takes damage.

Her Ultimate, the Interception Pylon provides one of the best defenses the game has to offer. It blocks any incoming projectiles including some other Legends’ abilities. It also provides free armor heals for the team for a short period. That combined with her passive to instantly gain her ultimate with an ultimate accelerant, and constant shield regen makes a force to be dealt with.

Revenant – Synthetic Nightmare

Apex Legends Season 19: Legends Tier List - Who’s the Best?

Credit: EA

  • Passive: Assassin’s Instinct
  • Tactical: Shadow Pounce
  • Ultimate: Forced Shadows

After getting a massive rework to his kit, Revenant has truly become the killing machine he was designed to be. Revenant is one of the best movement Legends in the game right now. His passive has always allowed him to scale walls at a fast rate. That is now combined with his Shadow Pounce which allows him to leap and cover a massive horizontal distance forward. This enables him to quickly engage and escape from a fight. Added to his passive, he can now claim the high ground easily and directly giving him the advantage.

His Ultimate provides an additional 50 damage armor on top of his current armor. This makes it easy to push teams with low risk as in most cases, Revenant with his ultimate will always have more health than his opponent.

Bloodhound – Technological Tracker

Apex Legends Season 19: Legends Tier List - Who’s the Best?

Credit: EA

  • Passive: Tracker
  • Tactical: Eye of the Allfather
  • Ultimate: Beast of the Hunt

Bloodhound is the best recon Legend in the game currently. They provide the player with the most knowledge on a playing field and as an old saying once said, “Knowledge is Power”. Bloodhound’s passive immediately gives the character knowledge about the presence of enemies in an area. The tactical then provides a full scan of the area in front, above, and below Bloodhound. This provides intel of not just where the enemies are, it also tells the player and their teammates about any traps placed by an enemy.

The passive and tactical once used in harmony, will always give Bloodhound the upper hand in fights. Finally, their Ultimate, Beast of the Hunt provides a speed boost to Bloodhound as well as highlighting the enemies in red for 30 seconds. Enemies can also be seen through smokes while the Ultimate is activated.

Bangalore – Professional Soldier

Apex Legends Season 19: Legends Tier List - Who’s the Best?

Credit: EA

  • Passive: Double Time
  • Tactical: Smoke Launcher
  • Ultimate: Rolling Thunder

Bangalore is a Legend that has undergone the least amount of rework since her introduction. She has slowly climbed her ranks to become not just an elite soldier but also one of the best Legends in the game. Her passive is amazing as it provides her with a free speed boost whenever she is being shot at. Additionally, her tactical provides amazing cover from enemies’ sights. It launches a smoke grenade that blinds enemies and has no direct counter.

This gives her the perfect window to escape from encounters. Her Ultimate is also an amazing positioning tool. It is an air strike of missiles that cover a large part of the map and detonates after a few seconds. This allows for her team to quickly pass through it but any pursuers are hit.

Wraith – Interdimensional Skirmisher

Apex Legends Season 19: Legends Tier List - Who’s the Best?

Credit: EA

  • Passive: Voices from the Void
  • Tactical: Into the Void
  • Ultimate: Dimensional Rift

Wraith has consistently been a top-tier legend ever since the game’s inception. With her tiny hitbox and some of the best movement, she has solidified herself as a top Legend. Wraith shines with both her tactical and Ultimate. The tactical gives Wraith the ability to phase into the void. This makes her invulnerable to hits as she disappears from the playing field. She also receives a small speed boost while in this state. This makes disengaging from a fight extremely easy.

Her Ultimate is the best in the game providing a safe passage for her teammates to and from extremely large distances.

The S Tier

These Legends are a must-pick for any high-level play. They are frequented by players at the highest ranks of the game.

Pathfinder – Forward Scout

Apex Legends Season 19: Legends Tier List - Who’s the Best?

Credit: EA

  • Passive: Insider Knowledge
  • Tactical: Grappling Hook
  • Ultimate: Zipline Gun

The friendly robot has been a mainstay on high-level Apex for years. He is the King of movement in Apex Legends because of his grappling gun. It provides Pathfinder with both horizontal and vertical mobility in every direction. It also makes him the fastest legend in the game. He can cover massive distances in a short time. Adding to that, his Zipline Gun provides quick mobility for his entire team from point A to point B on the map.

Catalyst – Defensive Conjurer

Apex Legends Season 19: Legends Tier List - Who’s the Best?

Credit: EA

  • Passive: Barricade
  • Tactical: Piercing Spikes
  • Ultimate: Dark Veil

Catalyst is the best defensive legend in the game right now. Her kit is amazing for locking down buildings and camping inside. Her passive ability allows her to instantly barricade off up to three doors inside a building. Legends cannot enter the building sealed off without breaking through it. This is done via grenades, abilities, or meleeing the door. Meleeing is the most common option which leaves the enemy open for a second which is more than enough for Catalyst to capitalize on. She can also set up spike traps which do instant damage to an opponent.

Her Ultimate provides the best cover from enemies as it creates a giant wall that blocks all recon abilities and enemies’ field of vision.

Horizon – Gravitational Manipulator

Apex Legends Season 19: Legends Tier List - Who’s the Best?

  • Passive: Spacewalk
  • Tactical: Gravity Lift
  • Ultimate: Black Hole

Horizon has comfortably sitting on the top of the list ever since her introduction. She is the Queen of movement in Apex and has the best movement abilities available in the game. Her passive ensures she never gets reduced speed from a fall. This is what makes her gravity lift super viable. When she uses the ability, she is immediately sent upwards. When she gets off of it, she gets a speed direction in whichever way she wants to land. The tactical can also be used by her teammates which makes her super useful to the team as well.

The Black Hole she carries on her back is amazing for getting an area of enemies in one place and gunning them down easily.

Final Words

The legends mentioned in the list are the top picks for being great at the game. However, the rest of the legends are also extremely useful in their rights. They offer unique abilities which may not be meta-defining but are extremely fun to play with. All in all, the player should play with the legend that provides them with the most fun instead of trying to sweat every single game.

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