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BG3 best Ranger subclass, feats, and build guide


Dec 2, 2023

Baldur’s Gate 3 has 12 classes for you to choose from when you create your character. A Ranger is a warrior who can fight from range or get up close and personal.

Rangers focus on using techniques to track and hunt their favored foes. They protect the borderlands by defeating the beings that pose a threat on the edge of civilization. As Rangers are agile hunters that must trek the dangerous wilderness, their primary ability score is Dexterity.

There’s no single best class in Baldur’s Gate 3, and the game gives you as many opportunities for creative problem solving as it does for punching. Finding the best class really just boils down to how you want to play. Even when playing solo, you’ll still manage the rest of your party, so you’ll get to experiment with multiple classes at once.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about the Ranger class in Baldur’s Gate 3, and learn all about the best Ranger subclass, feats, and build.

Is Ranger the best class for you in BG3?

Baldur’s Gate 3 Ranger in the character creator

Image: Larian Studios via Polygon

The Ranger class is a bit of a mixed bag both in the pen-and-paper version of D&D and in Baldur’s Gate 3. At its core, the Ranger class is about exploring the wildness while armed with a bow — and it’s still largely that — but it’s become a lot more on top of that. Rangers even get a few spells.

Rangers are, frankly, tricky to get the hang of and play well — trickier than other classes, at least. That said, they’re the best option for a non-magical, ranged character. Plus, they get an animal sidekick.

Ranger class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice — 1d10
  • Hit Points at 1st level — 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at higher levels — 6 + your Constitution modifier per ranger level after 1st

Favored Enemy

At level one, your Ranger is an expert at a one type of enemy. Studying and tracking a certain set of creatures will grant you specific abilities.

  • Bounty Hunter — Find Familiar (Summon a familiar, a fey spirit that takes an animal form of your choosing)
  • Keeper of the Veil — Protection from Evil and Good (Protect an ally against the attacks and power of aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead) and Find Familiar
  • Mage Breaker — True Strike (Gain Advantage on your next Attack Roll) and Find Familiar
  • Ranger Knight — Find Familiar
  • Sanctified Stalker — Sacred Flame (Engulf a target in a flame-like radiance) and Find Familiar

Natural Explorer

Your Ranger is adept at traveling and surviving in one specific natural environment. You can gain a cantrip, a spell, or maybe even both depending on your particular region.

  • Beast Tamer — Sacred Flame and Find Familiar
  • Urban Tracker — Sacred Flame
  • Wasteland Wanderer: Cold — Sacred Flame
  • Wasteland Wanderer: Fire — Sacred Flame
  • Wasted Wanderer: Poison — Sacred Flame


  • Weapons — Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
  • Armor — Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
  • Skills — Choose three from Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival
  • Saving Throws — Strength, Dexterity

Ranger subclasses

The Ranger has a total of three subclasses, which are unlocked at level three. You’ll fall under one of three clasic ranger archetypes:

Beast Master

Beast Masters act as a bridge between civilization and the beasts lying in the wilderness. You’ll build a bond with an animal companion where in and out of combat. Beast Masters gain one action — Ranger’s Companion. This will let you gain a beast companion that will fight alongside you.

Gloom Stalker

Gloom Stalkers stay in the shadows and embrace the darkness. They swiftly ambush their foes without leaving a trace. Gloom Stalkers gain a multitude of subclass features, actions, and spells.

Subclass Features

  • Dread Ambusher — You gain a +3 bonus to Initiative, and on the first turn of combat, your movement speed increases by 3m, and you can make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage.
  • Superior Darkvision — Can see in the dark up to 24 meters.


  • Dread Ambusher: Hide — Hide from enemies by succeeding Stealth checks.
  • Umbral Shroud — Wrap yourself in shadows to become Invisible if you are obscured.


  • Disguise Self — Magically change all aspects of your appearance.


Hunters are expert slayers that use specialized techniques to face any threat. If you choose to be a Hunter, you’ll need to pick your specialization with Hunter’s Prey:

  • Colossus Slayer — Once per turn, your weapon attack deals an extra 1d8 damage if the target is below its hit point maximum.
  • Giant Killer — If a Large or bigger creature attacks you, you can use your reaction to make a melee attack.
  • Horde Breaker — Target two creatures standing close to each other, attacking them in quick succession.

Best Ranger subclass and build in BG3

Baldur’s Gate 3 races don’t really have any direct impact on your class, but certain races and subraces come with features that play well with certain classes like extra movement or proficiency with certain weapons. For Rangers, it’s best to focus on useful skills and weapons:

  • Wood Elves (and High Elves, for that matter) have proficiency with longbows and have that extra 5 feet of movement. Wood Elves are also proficient in Stealth
  • Lightfoot Halflings are Naturally Stealthy and get advantage on Stealth checks
  • Forest Gnomes don’t offer much mechanically, but the Speak with Animals cantrip fits thematically.

When you’re creating and leveling up your Baldur’s Gate Ranger, Dexterity is your most important stat (for ranged attacks — or finesse melee attacks, if you choose to go that way). Wisdom is your second most important skill for things like tracking your Favored Enemy and spellcasting. Make Dexterity your highest stat, followed by Wisdom.

Rangers choose their subclass at level 3. Beast Master is great if you want to have (and manage) an animal companion that fights by your side, but Hunter is the most straightforward. Both the Colossus Slayer and the Horde Breaker specializations are great to have.

Best Ranger Feats in BG3

Every four levels, you’ll get the option to either increase your stats or choose a Feat. Feats are special talents that add features to your character. If you’re happy with your stats and start taking Feats, Rangers can benefit from:

  • Crossbow Expert. When you make crowssbow attacks within melee range, the Attack Rolls do not have Disadvantage. Your Piercing Shot also inflicts Gaping Wounds for twice as long.
  • Mobile. Your movement speed increases, and difficult terrain doesn’t slow you down when you Dash. If you move after making a melee attack, you don’t provoke Opportunity Attacks from your target.
  • Sharpshooter. Your ranged weapon attacks do not receive penalties from High Ground Rules. Ranged weapon attacks with weapons you are Proficient with ahve a -5 penalty to their Attack Roll, but deal an additional 10 damage.

For more information on the classes in Baldur’s Gate 3, consult our overviews on the Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard classes. If you’re stumped by the choice, consult our guide on what class to start with.

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