• Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Pardon Our Dust – Xbox Wire


Oct 31, 2023

Hello, Xbox Insiders!

Some of our more eagle-eyed community members have already noticed changes to our Xbox Insider blog, so we wanted to chat with everyone about it. These changes (and maybe some you haven’t even noticed yet!) are just the beginning of a months-long transformation, which will restructure our community platforms to allow for better engagement from everyone here at Xbox.

We’re rapidly approaching the big 1-0 anniversary (2024-02-20, mark your calendars!), and the growth of this program has been nothing short of extraordinary. From humble beginnings as a small contingent of dedicated players on Xbox Forums (RIP), to our currently massive audience that spans the entire Xbox ecosystem, we’re extremely proud of the impact you’ve had on shaping the future of Xbox for everyone. It’s been a wild ride so far and we’re not stopping anytime soon. (Like Mr. Bones, but with less existential dread.)

The near future will mostly be focused on foundational clean-up and setting the stage for everything in our pipeline. We’ve been working behind the scenes to dust off some cobwebs, rattle some bones, and get the (fully digital) hamster wheels turning again. What this means for Xbox Insiders is that you should expect the current social channels to undergo a bit of an overhaul. Design, content, posting frequency, etc. might be in flux while we address everything. But you can rest assured knowing our primary goal with these changes is to better engage with, listen to, and uplift our community.

We also wanted to acknowledge messaging that has been gaining traction for some time, especially over the last few months: Improve communications. Let this be the first step toward making that feedback come to life. We hear you. We could put something here about “business realities” or “things beyond our control” but we won’t. We created, and have been leaning on, a system which—from an outside perspective—feels more akin to a token suggestion box than a true community platform. That’s on us. We understand the frustrations being expressed and we’ll be discussing with everyone more about the first actionable steps in our plans shortly.

As we said at the top, this is an incredibly exciting time for the Xbox Insider Program and the team here is more energized than ever. We hope that Xbox Insiders will be as thrilled as we are for the future.  We can’t wait to show everyone what we have in store.

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