• Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Assassin’s Creed Mirage citizens will rat you out if you’ve been naughty


Oct 3, 2023

Assassin’s Creed Mirage charts Basim’s journey from a street thief to a skilful member of The Hidden Ones, with a big focus on stealth possibilities, and Ubisoft has now shared a look at the ways stealth can be used in the game. Stealth looks to be important throughout Mirage. If Basim gets caught doing something illegal, for instance, his notoriety grows. At the first stage of notoriety, citizens will notice Basim and recognize him, and even report him to the guards. As we noted in our Assassin’s Creed Mirage preview, this played well into the game’s emphasis on stealth, encouraging you to either keep Basim inconspicuous or to take the paths over the roofs where there would be fewer witnesses. If your notoriety increases, however, archers will start popping up across the rooftops, and finally, an “elite guard” will be sent after you. Basim can lower his notoriety by ripping up wanted posters of himself, bribing someone to lower it for him, or by taking out that elite guard.Basim also has tools such as throwing knives, noise makers, traps, smoke bombs, blow darts, and torches, which can be upgraded for different effects. He’s also of course got an eagle buddy — his is named Enkidu, who can be used to scout out areas for him. You’ll have to watch out for marksmen, however, who will try to shoot Enkidu out of the sky. Basim also has the Assassin’s Focus, which can be charged with stealth kills and used to quickly assassinate several enemies, one after the other. Basim can also make use of social stealth options. The trailer above shows him moving inconspicuously in crowds, bribing people to distract guards, subtly killing a guard that comes up to him as he sits on a bench, and hiding within things like gazebos and haystacks. Ubisoft also gives a look at some of the skills Basim can acquire, even hinting at which ones would be good to start with if you’re going for the stealthiest approach: ones that give you extra capacity for tools, one that lets you chain assassinations, and one to help Enkidu’s scouting abilities.We’ve now got the Assassin’s Creed Mirage achievements if you’re looking to prepare yourself ahead of the game’s launch on October 5.

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