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LoL: MAD Lions vs Gen.G – Worlds 2021 Group Stage Recap


Oct 12, 2021

The fierce battle for the top of Group D grows fierce as MAD and GEN hit the Rift!

MAD Lions vs Gen.G

A screenshot from the 2021 World Championship Main Event Group Stage broadcast, showing the champion drafts between MAD Lions and Gen.G with a shot of MAD mid laner Humanoid above.

Group D was expected to be very close and competitive, and this match showed everyone why. Action exploded onto the Rift at three minutes, when fighting happened in every part of the map. A 2v2 all-in in the bottom lane resulted in a one-for-one kill trade, while Humanoid secured a solo kill onto Bdd who tanked one too many tower shots and Elyoya ganked Rascal top to kill him. Despite this early explosiveness, the early game only had a few objective trades to offer.

Now into the mid game, skirmishes started to break out regularly. The first two went the way of GEN, with them getting multiple kills with rather few casualties. But past 20 minutes, it was all MAD, as they won two dominant team fights to pick up nine kills in total. They also tied up the dragon score, which GEN managed to pull ahead in in the early game. The first Baron was secured at 32 minutes when GEN rushed it, but MAD killed two retreating GEN members so it didn’t result in much.

With GEN on Soul point, the next few fights inevitably occurred at the pit. They were all very close, but MAD managed to even steal one away with a Carzzy Lucian ultimate to keep it away from GEN. Kills dropped left and right in these team fights but neither team could find the decisive strike. Eventually, on MAD’s second Baron at 44 minutes, the game looked at its climax. GEN bided their time but weren’t able to protect their Inhibitors, meaning the triple-Inhibitor flood of minions rushed their base. On the back of a great Elyoya engage, MAD cut down all five GEN champions to pull out a very late game victory.

Quick Stats:

  • Teams: MAD-GEN
  • Time: 46:53
  • Kills: 30-19
  • Turrets: 11-5
  • Gold: 90.4k-80.7k
  • Dragons: 4-3
  • Barons: 2-1

The post LoL: MAD Lions vs Gen.G – Worlds 2021 Group Stage Recap appeared first on Esports News Network | ESTNN.

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