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How to get all endings in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty


Sep 28, 2023

There are four distinct Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty endings, and achieving each of them requires you to make some pivotal decisions. At a certain point in the story, you’ll need to make a choice. We’ve got the options explained for you here and how to achieve them as spoiler-free as possible, followed by a full breakdown of exactly what happens in each path.

Phantom Liberty also includes a brand new ending to the main story, which doesn’t involve Hanako and “Nocturne Op55n1” (the main ending prior to this expansion). If you want to ensure you achieve that, make sure you follow our steps.

How to unlock each ending in Phantom Liberty

If you want to understand the important choices without spoilers, this is the section of the guide for you. We’ll leave you to decide which options are the right and wrong ones to do though, depending on the type of person your V is.

V makes a decision during the Firestarter mission in Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty 2077 endings.

Image: CD Projekt Red via Polygon

The first and most important decision comes when you reach the tenth Phantom Liberty mission, “Firestarter.” During this mission, you will meet up with Songbird, and it will just be the two of you. The story splits here, depending on which of the following two options you choose:

  • Help Songbird escape: “I’m with you.”
  • Help Reed capture Songbird: “One more second…”

Choosing the former leads into “The Killing Moon,” and it’s during this very long mission that you’ll have two endings available to you. These are the dialogue options:

  • Pick up Songbird: “Time to go, So Mi.” or “Wake the hell up.”
  • Call Reed: “Reed’ll take care of you.”

It’s important to note that if you pick the former, you will have one more opportunity to hand Songbird over to Reed before you’re locked into the ending.

If, during “Firestarter,” you choose the option to help Solomon Reed capture Songbird, the endings to your game change dramatically. First, the next mission will be called “Black Steel In The Hour Of Chaos,” but the important decision doesn’t come until the next mission, “Somewhat Damaged.” You will have the following dialogue options:

  • Kill So Mi: “Fine.”
  • Spare So Mi: “Won’t do it.” or “So Mi, I need the FIA’s help. So I need you alive.”

If you want to ensure you unlock the new ending for the full game, you must ensure you either choose to hand Songbird over to Reed if you helped her escape during “Firestarter,” or you must spare her life if you helped Reed capture her.

Now you know the pivotal decisions you must choose, continue reading if you want to learn about the different endings and how it all plays out.

[Ed. note: The rest of this guide includes spoilers for the endings of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.]

‘Firestarter’ explained

V aims a pistol at a green schematic in a red room during the Firestarter mission in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty.

Image: CD Projekt Red via Polygon

Until this point, the entire Phantom Liberty story has been about saving Songbird from Kurt Hansen’s grasp. During “Firestarter,” you finally have the chance to free her. Reed and Alex want you to help them capture her and bring her back to the FIA — and they are the two you’ve been working with this entire time — but Songbird wants you to help her escape everybody, not just Kurt Hansen.

Choosing to help Songbird escape results in all hell breaking loose as the two of you fight your way out of the stadium concourse. Your next task will be to get Songbird, and yourself, to the spaceport terminal that can take you both to the moon, as that’s where she promises the cure is located.

If you help Reed capture Songbird, then she manages to escape your grasp and you both must work to get her back, first by ambushing a MaxTac convoy, then by finding her hideout where she’s hooked up to the blackwall.

Below are all four endings explained in full, with endings one and two being available if you side with Songbird, and endings three and four being options if you side with Reed. If you want to get the bonus ending for the main game, you must ensure you pick either ending two or ending four. In other words, do not kill either Reed or Songbird when given the option to.

Ending #1 – Reed dies

Solomon Reed stands on a bridge in the rain during one of the endings to Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty.

Image: CD Projekt Red via Polygon

As you arrive at the spaceport terminal, Songbird reveals she has also been lying to you this entire time. There is only enough cure for one person and she intends to take it all for herself. She explains she lied because she needed to be sure you would help her. Songbird apologizes, and Johnny Silverhand has some input as always, but it’s at this point you can either pick Songbird up and get her aboard the shuttle to the moon, or you can call Reed to hand her over.

If you choose the former option, Reed will emerge from the shuttle before you board, offering one last chance to change your mind. If you refuse, you must kill Reed — it’s not a tough fight, seeing as he died in one pistol shot to the head in my playthrough — but a difficult trigger to pull all the same. For your trouble, though, you get Reed’s iconic pistol, Pariah, which fires three rounds for every charged shot.

Songbird flies off to the moon as you and Johnny sit and watch, and that’s that. You do not unlock the extra ending for the main game this way, which involves you finding a cure, and there are no specific post-credits scenes because the only way to now finish the game is via “Nocturne Op55n1,” the original ending quest.

Ending #2 – Give Songbird up

Songbird sits at a desk in a dark room during one of the Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty endings.

Image: CD Projekt Red via Polygon

If you are outraged enough at Songbird’s lie to give her up to Reed, this opens up three whole new missions, provided you pick the dialogue option to strike a deal with Reed that V will receive a cure instead. Carry her to the shuttle, then Reed will pick her up and head off in a flying car with some other FIA soldiers.

A couple of days later, Reed gets in touch to ask you to meet him at a gas station during the short mission “Through Pain To Heaven.” A brief conversation follows, where Reed explains he’s driving to D.C. and ponders why Songbird got in touch with you to begin with rather than him. Before departing, Reed explains he’ll be in touch about a cure soon. This is it for the Phantom Liberty ending — keep reading to learn about the bonus ending for the main game, which Reed organizes in this instance.

Ending #3 – Songbird dies

When you find Songbird during “Somewhat Damaged,” you can accept her request to die on her own terms, or save her until Reed turns up. If you kill her, you’ll disconnect her from the blackwall and she will apologize before passing. You and Reed drive her to President Myers during the “Leave In Silence” mission, but on the journey Reed is angry with himself for not being the one to save Songbird, instead of killing her as you did.

Myers regrets choosing you for the job, since Songbird is dead, and as a result, she refuses to help you with a cure. This means that to ensure you get the bonus ending, you must not let Reed or Songbird die.

Ending #4 – Songbird lives

If you refuse to kill Songbird and wait until Reed arrives, the pair of you will pick Songbird up much like if you’d killed her, before also driving her to President Myers. When you make it to your destination, the president will be waiting, as Songbird gets carted off on a stretcher.

If you decided to take the oath near the start of Phantom Liberty during the “Lucretia My Reflection” mission, Myers will reference that and offer you a medal. If you didn’t, the medal will be offered regardless — but you can turn it down. From here, Myers and Reed will both reference the cure for you, which also leads to the bonus ending for the main game.

It’s worth noting that all four Phantom Liberty endings finish with a conversation with Johnny about what happened. If you helped Songbird escape in “Firestarter,” that conversation will occur on a roadside somewhere in Night City, whereas if you helped Reed capture her, it’ll happen in your apartment in Megabuilding H10.

Bonus ending – V’s cure

Solomon Reed stands next to V in a hospital bed during the bonus ending to Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty.

Image: CD Projekt Red via Polygon

If you managed to keep Reed and Songbird alive, and you secured a cure through the FIA, Reed will eventually get in touch for the mission “Who Wants To Live Forever.” You get escorted to Langley, with the promise of surgery that should only take a couple of months at best — but are forewarned that going through with it will mean losing Johnny forever.

When you come to after surgery, Reed is there to greet you with a couple of bombshells. The first is that the surgery was successful — the relic is no longer a death warrant — but all of your combat implants are now useless.

Solomon Reed sits in a hospital room in Langely in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty.

Image: CD Projekt Red via Polygon

It’s also been two years since you landed at Langley, rather than the month or two initially promised. You have spent all of that time in a coma, through to the year 2079. You can call old friends, but almost everyone has moved on: Judy has moved to Pittsburgh and is married, Panam was so hurt by your disappearance she doesn’t want to talk to you, Kerry is on a European tour with his band, and River has hit some dark times as he had to become a dirty cop to earn some cash. Only Viktor is still in Night City, and it’s his clinic you will return to for the final section of the game.

Viktor fiddles with a computer in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty.

Image: CD Projekt Red via Polygon

Upon arriving back in Night City and being driven to Viktor’s by Delamain, the sentient self-driving taxi in Cyberpunk 2077, you discover Misty’s Esoterica is no more, as it’s been taken over by Zetatech. Viktor’s lab is still in the basement, however, albeit with a fresh coat of paint thanks to the corporate takeover. Viktor is initially convinced he can fix you and restore your combat implants, but upon further inspection that is not the case.

You leaves once a client for Viktor turns up and, as they make their way back to Delamain, a chap named Terry mugs you, believing you have a lot of cash as you went into the Zetatech building. Of course, that’s not the case — so he punches you in the face, sending you tumbling down the stairs. When you come around, Misty is there, and the game finishes with a long conversation surrounding everything that has happened and what the future holds. She reveals she’s headed off to Poland as she needs to get out of Night City, then in the very final cutscene, Misty climbs into a car, and you walk off into the crowd, to become just another Night City resident.

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