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A Week of Dota 2’s New Report System: Empowering Positivity


Sep 7, 2023

Let’s discover how well Dota 2’s new report system has reshaped player behaviour and positivity since a week of its launch

In Dota 2, recent changes to the report and behavior system have sparked mixed reactions. Some players welcome the updates, appreciating features like the “dislike” button and personalized matchmaking for their potential to enhance the gaming experience. These additions offer players more control over their teams and increase the chances of enjoyable matches, making them appealing to many Dota 2 enthusiasts, both casual and dedicated.

A Week of Dota 2's New Report System: Empowering Positivity

However, concerns have arisen, particularly among high MMR players and professionals. Some worry about potential misuse of the reporting feature, which could result in unjust penalties. Pro players, in particular, fear that false reports may affect their participation in ranked games. These differing viewpoints highlight the complexity of implementing such a system in a diverse and competitive game like Dota 2, leaving the community divided on its effectiveness and fairness.

Dota 2’s New Report System Promotes Friendlier Gaming

Dota 2 recently introduced an overhauled report and behaviour system on August 30, 2023. This new system is designed to enhance the overall gaming experience for players by introducing innovative features. One of the key additions is the “dislike” button, which allows players to influence their future matchmaking by indicating their preference to avoid specific players in subsequent matches. Furthermore, commendations for positive behaviour now play a more significant role in matchmaking, promoting a friendlier gaming atmosphere.

The revamped reporting system also extends its reach to address various issues, including toxic chat, smurfing, griefing, cheating, and role abuse. Players can now report undesirable behaviour during or after a match without a cap on the number of reports they can submit. This comprehensive reporting system aims to identify and address misconduct, ensuring a more enjoyable and fair gameplay environment. The introduction of real-time analysis of toxic chat further adds to the system’s efficiency, promptly muting players whose communication is deemed harmful. Overall, Dota 2’s new report system signifies a commitment to creating a more positive and player-centric gaming environment.

Bans, Revisions, and Behavior Score Returns

Since its launch on August 30, 2023, Dota 2’s revamped report and behaviour system has seen a whirlwind of developments to refine player interactions and foster a healthier gaming environment. Just one day after the system’s introduction, Valve took a decisive step by permanently banning a staggering 90,000 smurf accounts that had plagued the game for months. Smurf accounts, often used to circumvent the intended matchmaking experience, had been a persistent issue that Valve was determined to tackle head-on.

Valve issued a statement regarding this significant move: “Today, we permanently banned 90,000 smurf accounts that have been active over the last few months. Smurf accounts are alternate accounts used by players to avoid playing at the correct MMR, to abandon games, to cheat, to grief, or to otherwise be toxic without consequence.”

However, this proactive approach was followed by another significant move. Valve, recognising that some elements of the new behaviour score system were not functioning as intended, rectified the situation. The company restored Behavior score points to affected players and acknowledged that certain reports had adversely affected player scores even when lacking supporting evidence. Valve stated, “We’ve addressed an issue where some reports adversely affected player behaviour score even if the report had no corroborating evidence. We’ve fixed the underlying issues and have retroactively updated your Behavior and Communication scores to reflect the change.”

A Week of Dota 2's New Report System: Empowering Positivity

This swift response demonstrated Valve’s commitment to fine-tuning the system to ensure a fair and balanced gaming experience for all Dota 2 enthusiasts. These ongoing adjustments underline the dynamic nature of Dota 2’s report system as it continues to evolve in response to player feedback and evolving challenges in the gaming landscape.

Community Response to Report System’s Impact

Since Dota 2’s revamped report and behavior system was unveiled on August 30, 2023, the gaming community has been buzzing with reactions and feedback regarding these transformative changes. Opinions are as diverse as the heroes in the game itself.

Initially, the community’s response was a mix of anticipation and curiosity. Some embraced features like the “dislike” button and personalized matchmaking, hailing them as tools to curate better gaming experiences. They appreciated the system’s commitment to promoting positive behavior and teamwork.

A Week of Dota 2's New Report System: Empowering Positivity

However, not all reactions were positive. The real-time analysis of toxic chat raised concerns about privacy and accuracy. High MMR players, including professional Dota 2 players like Quinn “Quinn” Callahan, expressed reservations about potential misuse of the reporting feature. These differing opinions reflect the complexity of implementing a report system in a competitive game like Dota 2.

Subsequent updates, such as Valve’s decision to permanently ban 90,000 smurf accounts on September 1, 2023, garnered mixed reactions. While many applauded the move, others remained cautious about potential false positives. Valve’s action to restore Behavior score points to affected players on September 6, 2023, was met with a sense of relief by those impacted by unintended behavior score reductions.

The Dota 2 community’s ongoing response underscores the significance of creating a balanced gaming environment while addressing evolving challenges. As the system continues to evolve, it remains a dynamic topic of discussion among players and enthusiasts alike, shaping the future of Dota 2 gameplay and player interactions.

Striking the Right Balance

In Dota 2’s dynamic world, recent changes to the report and behavior system have sparked both excitement and concern. Introduced on August 30, 2023, these updates aimed to improve the gaming experience but yielded mixed results.

Initial player reactions varied, reflecting the complexity of implementing such a system in Dota 2’s competitive environment. Valve’s actions show their commitment to refining the system based on player feedback. As Dota 2’s report system continues to evolve, it remains a central point of discussion, highlighting the ongoing effort to achieve a fair and enjoyable gaming environment while balancing player empowerment and fairness


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