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3 Amazing Dota 2 All Pick Drafts for Easy Wins


Sep 3, 2023

Dive into 3 powerful Dota 2 All Pick Drafts designed for victory and to boost your MMR

Emerge victorious in the fast-paced battlefield of Dota 2 with the ideal mix of Heroes. Delve into these three exceptional drafts, perfectly designed to help you get those wins and climb the MMR ladder.

3 Amazing Dota 2 All Pick Drafts for Easy Wins

All Pick Draft 1 – Illusion Invasion

The Illusion Invasion All Pick Draft capitalizes on the disruptive potential of illusion-based Heroes.


The 5 Heroes of this Draft are:

  • Dazzle (Hard Support – Position 5)
  • Tusk (Soft Support – Position 4)
  • Dark Seer (Offlane – Position 3)
  • Arc Warden (Mid – Position 2)
  • Phantom Lancer (Carry – Position 1)

Why This Draft?

  • Multiple Illusion Sources – Arc Warden’s Tempest Double and Phantom Lancer’s Juxtapose ensure the battlefield is flooded with duplicates, confusing the enemy and amplifying damage output.
  • Strong Lane Survivability – Dazzle’s Shallow Grave and Tusk’s Snowball can save allies in critical situations, enabling aggressive plays or escapes.
  • Zoning and Control – Arc Warden’s Magnetic Field provides a defensive zone, forcing enemies to reposition, while Phantom Lancer’s Diffusal Blade and constant illusion generation pressure enemy backlines.
  • Diverse Engagement Options – Tusk can initiate, Dark Seer can counter-initiate, and Phantom Lancer and Arc Warden can join fights as the game progress, offering a multi-layered approach to engagements.

How to Play this Draft

Dazzle should pair with Phantom Lancer in the Safelane, while Tusk teams up with Dark Seer in the Offlane. Meanwhile, Arc Warden should head to the Mid lane.

  • Early Game – Focus on leveraging Tusk’s aggression in lanes, pairing with Dazzle for potential save plays. Dark Seer should apply pressure in the offlane, forcing rotations and giving space for Phantom Lancer and Arc Warden to farm.
  • Mid Game – Begin skirmishes with Tusk’s initiation and Arc Warden’s split push capabilities. Phantom Lancer should aim to get core items like Aghanims Scepter, Diffusal Blade and Manta Style to start becoming a menace in team fights.
  • Late Game – Use Arc Warden’s Tempest Double to force reactions in multiple lanes. Engage in team fights with Dark Seer’s Vacuum and Wall of Replica, followed by Tusk’s control abilities. Phantom Lancer should be cleaning up fights, using his illusions to overwhelm and chase down opponents.

All Pick Draft 2 – Global Presence Patrol

Surprise your enemies and assert dominance across the map. The “Global Presence Patrol” All Pick Draft ensures you’re omnipresent, always ready to capitalize on any fights.


The 5 Heroes of this Draft are:

  • Ancient Apparition (Hard Support – Position 5)
  • Spirit Breaker (Soft Support – Position 4)
  • Nature’s Prophet (Offlane – Position 3)
  • Zeus (Mid – Position 2)
  • Spectre (Carry – Position 1)

Why This Draft?

  • Reliable Engage – Spirit Breaker’s Charge of Darkness provides a way to initiate fights, and with the support of the global abilities of the other Heroes, can quickly turn small skirmishes into full-blown team fights.
  • Map Control – Nature’s Prophet, with his ability to summon Treants, ensures that lanes are always pushed, providing vision and creating space for the team. Zeus also helps in dewarding enemy wards with Lightning Bolt and pushing the lane with Arc Lightning.
  • Versatility – The team is not just about global presence; the mix of magical and physical damage, control, and push potential makes it versatile against various opponent strategies.

How to Play this Draft

Ancient Apparition should pair up with Spectre in the Safelane, and Nature’s Prophet should take the Offlane. Spirit Breaker should help NP in the offlane but should also look to roam a lot. Zeus should occupy the Mid lane.

  • Early Game – Start by establishing lane dominance. Spirit Breaker should constantly look for opportunities to use Charge of Darkness. Meanwhile, Ancient Apparition can help Spectre to secure the safe lane.
  • Mid Game – Prioritize map control. Use Nature’s Prophet to push lanes and create space. Look for pick-offs with Spirit Breaker’s charges, and ensure that every time Thundergod’s Wrath and Ice Blast are off cooldown, they are utilized to either secure kills or create pressure. Spectre should keep farming and only join fights with her Haunt.
  • Late Game – Capitalize on Spectre’s power spike. Use her Haunt to initiate team fights, followed by the global presence of the rest of the team to quickly eliminate threats. Ensure lanes are pushed with Nature’s Prophet, forcing the enemy to constantly defend, giving your team Roshan control and map dominance. Push high-ground when you have the aegis and the advantage.

All Pick Draft 3 – Magic Meltdown

Harness the raw power of magical bursts and dominate team clashes. The “Magic Meltdown” All Pick Draft focuses on Heroes with immense magical damage.


The 5 Heroes of this Draft are:

  • Crystal Maiden (Hard Support – Position 5)
  • Earth Spirit (Soft Support – Position 4)
  • Sand King (Offlane – Position 3)
  • Lina (Mid – Position 2)
  • Morphling (Carry – Position 1)

Why This Draft?

  • Versatile Initiation – Earth Spirit and Sand King serve as strong initiators. Whether it’s a quick pick off with Boulder Smash or a team-wide stun with Burrowstrike, the team can engage in fights on their terms.
  • Sustain and Mana Regeneration – Crystal Maiden’s Arcane Aura provides much-needed Mana regeneration for the entire team.
  • Lane Presence – All these Heroes, individually, have strong lane presence. Lina can dominate mid with her range and nukes, while Sand King and Earth Spirit can exert pressure, making space for Morphling to farm.

How to Play this Draft

Crystal Maiden should team up with Morphling in the Safelane, and Earth Spirit should join forces with Sand King in the Offlane. Lina should try to dominate the Mid lane.

  • Early Game – Use Crystal Maiden to secure the safelane for Morphling. Earth Spirit should roam, focusing on pressuring the mid lane and assisting Lina in securing an advantage. Sand King, with his Caustic Finale, can contest the offlane, disrupting the enemy’s farm.
  • Mid Game – Rotate as a team, capitalizing on Lina’s burst damage and Sand King’s initiation. Earth Spirit and Crystal Maiden can set up ganks or save allies with their control abilities. Also, prioritize objectives like towers and Roshan once you’ve secured kills, ensuring Morphling continues to scale into the late game.
  • Late Game – Engage with Sand King’s Blink + Epicenter combo, followed by Earth Spirit’s control and Lina’s burst. Morphling, having hopefully secured key items, can join the fray, adapting as necessary to the situation. Always look to turn successful fights into objectives, be it towers, barracks, or Roshan.


These 3 All Pick Drafts offer a mix of map presence, magical prowess, and illusionary confusion. Try them out, and watch as your win rates soar! Stay connected for more winning strategies and gameplay insights.

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