• Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

3 Powerful Dota 2 All Pick Drafts to Win Games Easily


Aug 30, 2023

Win games effortlessly by learning how to play these 3 powerful Dota 2 All Pick Drafts

Elevate your gameplay and secure victories with our 3 powerful Dota 2 All Pick Drafts guide that will help you dominate the battlefield and win games. These drafts are meticulously curated to provide a strong balance of offense, defense, and utility, ensuring your team always has the upper hand. Let’s get started!

All Pick Draft 1

This draft is perfect for teams that like to maintain a balanced approach, offering strong offensive and defensive capabilities while ensuring robust utility and control. Let’s take a closer look at the Heroes in this All Pick Draft and the strategies involved.


  • Witch Doctor (Hard Support – Position 5)
  • Earthshaker (Soft Support – Position 4)
  • Tidehunter (Offlaner – Position 3)
  • Queen of Pain (Mid – Position 2)
  • Juggernaut (Carry – Position 1)

Why This Draft?

  • Strong AoE Control – With stuns from Earthshaker, Tidehunter, and Witch Doctor, this lineup has powerful Area of Effect (AoE) control abilities to dominate team fights.
  • High Burst Damage – Queen of Pain and Juggernaut can deal significant burst damage, quickly taking down key targets. Earthshakers Echo Slam can also deal huge damage if used properly.
  • Sustain and Healing – Witch Doctor’s Voodoo Restoration and Juggernaut’s Healing Ward provide substantial healing to keep the team healthy during engagements.
  • Escaping Mechanisms – Queen of Pain’s Blink and Juggernaut’s Blade Fury offer reliable escape mechanisms to disengage from unfavorable situations.

How to Play this Draft

Witch Doctor should pair with Juggernaut in the safelane, Earthshaker should support Tidehunter in the offlane and Queen of Pain (QOP) should take the mid lane.

  • Early Game – Focus on securing last hits and denying creeps to gain an advantage in the lanes. Use Earthshaker’s Fissure and Tidehunter’s Gush to harass the enemy safelaner and set up kills. Witch Doctor should prioritize healing and protecting Juggernaut in the safelane. Earthshaker should also gank the enemy midlaner to help QOP get ahead in gold and experience.
  • Mid Game – Start taking objectives and look for pick-offs. Use Earthshaker and Tidehunter’s ultimates to initiate team fights and follow up with the burst damage from Queen of Pain and Juggernaut. Prioritize pushing towers and controlling the map. Juggernaut should keep farming and only join fights if his ultimate Omnislash is ready.
  • Late Game – Make sure Juggernaut and Queen of Pain have their core items. Look for favorable engagements and use your team’s strong AoE control and burst damage to win team fights. Secure Roshan and push for the high-ground.

All Pick Draft 2

This draft is designed to overwhelm your opponents with burst damage and control, ensuring your team can swiftly eliminate crucial targets before they can retaliate. Let’s take a look at the Heroes of this Dota 2 All Pick Draft and learn how to win games with the draft.


3 Powerful Dota 2 All Pick Drafts to Win Games Easily

Credit: Jigglypuff

  • Lion (Hard Support – Position 5)
  • Earth Spirit (Soft Support – Position 4)
  • Beastmaster (Offlaner – Position 3)
  • Skywrath Mage (Mid – Position 2)
  • Gyrocopter (Carry – Position 1)

Why This Draft?

  • High Burst Damage – Lion, Earth Spirit, Skywrath Mage, and Gyrocopter can deal a substantial amount of burst damage to rapidly eliminate key opponents.
  • Strong Crowd Control – Lion, Earth Spirit, Beastmaster, and Gyrocopter offer strong crowd control abilities to contain enemies during fights.
  • Magic Amplification – Skywrath Mage’s Ancient Seal increases magic damage taken by enemies, amplifying the damage from all your magical nukes.
  • Area Damage – Gyrocopter and Earth Spirit can deal considerable area damage, making it challenging for enemies to group up in team fights.

How to Play this Draft

Lion should support Gyrocopter in the safelane, Earth Spirit should pair with Beastmaster in the offlane and Skywrath Mage should occupy the mid lane.

  • Early Game – Focus on securing last hits and denying creeps in all lanes. Use the crowd control abilities of Lion and Earth Spirit to get kills and protect your cores. Gyrocopter should focus on farming and maintaining lane pressure. Skywrath should farm in mid and try to kill the enemy midlaner.
  • Mid Game – Start grouping up and capturing objectives. Utilize Beastmaster’s control and Skywrath Mage’s burst damage to initiate fights and follow up with heavy area damage from Gyrocopter. Maintain map control and prioritize taking towers. Gyrocopter should focus on farming mostly and buy his core items.
  • Late Game – Ensure Gyrocopter, Skywrath Mage, and Beastmaster have their core items. Utilize your team’s robust crowd control and burst damage to win team fights and secure key objectives. Control Roshan and push for the high ground when you are in an advantageous position.

All Pick Draft 3

This draft is tailored for teams that prefer to deal massive physical damage, farm a lot and quickly take down objectives. Let’s examine the Heroes and their roles in this draft.


  • Dazzle (Hard Support – Position 5)
  • Vengeful Spirit (Soft Support – Position 4)
  • Beastmaster (Offlaner – Position 3)
  • Templar Assassin (Mid – Position 2)
  • Terrorblade (Carry – Position 1)

Why This Draft?

  • Armor Reduction – Dazzle, Vengeful Spirit, and Templar Assassin provide armor reduction abilities to amplify your team’s physical damage.
  • Strong Pushing Potential – Terrorblade’s Metamorphosis and Beastmaster’s summoned units provide strong pushing potential to quickly take down towers and barracks. Templar Assassin also buys desolator and other damage items, which helps to take down objectives swiftly.
  • Good Roshan Taking Ability – With armor reduction from Dazzle, Vengeful Spirit, and Templar Assassin combined with the high physical damage from Terrorblade and Beastmaster, your team can take down Roshan quickly and secure the Aegis for your team. This helps to set up an early high-ground push at 30-35 minutes.

How to Play this Draft

Dazzle should pair with Terrorblade in the safelane, Vengeful Spirit should support Beastmaster in the offlane and Templar Assassin should take the mid lane.

  • Early Game – Focus on securing last hits and maintaining lane pressure. Use Dazzle and Vengeful Spirit’s abilities to protect your cores and harass the enemy. Terrorblade (TB) and Templar Assassin (TA) should prioritize farming.
  • Mid Game – Start taking objectives and pushing towers. Use Beastmaster’s Primal Roar and Vengeful Spirits Nether Swap to initiate fights and follow up with the high physical damage from TA and TB. Maintain map control and prioritize taking key objectives. TB should keep farming fast with the help of his illusions and only join fights when he has his Metamorphosis ready. Remember to always keep the lanes pushed.
  • Late Game – Ensure Terrorblade, Templar Assassin, and Beastmaster have their core items. Utilize your team’s strong pushing potential and physical damage to win team fights and secure objectives. Control Roshan and push for the high-ground. Try to end the game when Terrorblade gets 4-5 slotted.


Try implementing these powerful All Pick Drafts in your games to dominate the battlefield and secure victories. Good luck on the battlefield! We have many other All Pick Drafts to build the perfect balance for your team.

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