• Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Students added ray tracing to Descent and it looks sick


Jun 27, 2023

Classic shooter Descent, released in 1995, has gotten a facelift from some enterprising students who’ve added a fat stack of technical upgrades to the open, shareware fork of the game. Most notable is that perennial glory: pathtraced global illumination. It’s what the kids these days are calling “ray traced lighting.”

And it absolutely whips if you, like me, have half-remembered memories of playing Descent on someone else’s dad’s computer in the mid-’90s in a dimly lit basement. At the time, the six degrees of freedom shooter seemed revolutionary as you piloted your strike craft through the zero-G mining operations of the solar system, shooting blobby enemies that were like… drones or something? They had two glowing eyeballs sometimes which was weird. I guess those were cameras.

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