• Mon. Oct 28th, 2024

Latest Minecraft update fixes an 11 year-old bug


May 4, 2023

The latest Minecraft update (opens in new tab), which the game for some reason calls snapshots, is mostly routine: Focused on smithing, squishing a few bugs, tweaking a few parameters. Then one of the most popular and widely played games on the planet says it’s finally managed to deal with a bug that was first noticed 11 years ago.

Take a bow MC-1133, which is not a minor Halo character but the name given to this particular gremlin. This bug prevented players from hearing footsteps when their avatar got too close to the edge of a block in Minecraft. The game would get confused about the avatar’s relative position, think it was somehow in mid-air rather than on solid ground, and thus walking when in this position made no sound.

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