• Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

13th Unmanned Systems Canada Student UAS Competition 2021-2022 – sUAS News


Sep 7, 2021

Unmanned Systems Canada / Systèmes Télécommandés Canada (USC-STC) ispleased to announce the 13th annual Student UAS Competition.Attention All Teams! There has been a security breech at an embassy indowntown Ottawa. Governments are increasingly using UAS to aid in securingCritical Infrastructure and respond to threats. University and college teams fromacross Canada are invited to design an Unmanned System, using anycombination of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) an unmanned ground vehicle(UGV), or hybrid, to help secure the grounds.
There are many different types of facilities considered to be ‘Critical Infrastructure’, due to their importance in the functioning of society ie. power plants, the housing of important government institutions (eg, Parliament, National Archives) or important people (embassies, Rideau Hall).
An embassy in Ottawa has hired your company to provide security to their buildings and extensive grounds. Your contract requires that you respond to intrusion bypersons at the perimeter of the grounds, and detect and respond to the delivery of any suspicious items on or near the building. The intention of this competition is that teams have multiple opportunities to gain points, to make strategic decisions about how to accomplish the Tasks.
All details are in the CONOPS posted on the website. www.unmannedsystems.ca
The competition takes place in two phases with the Phase I design report from eachteam due on January 16th 2022, and the Phase II operational demonstration takingplace May 6 – 8th, 2022 at Southport MB. Teams will be graded on the quality andcompleteness of their design reports and the results of their UV demonstrations.Prizes will be awarded for each phase and for notable team accomplishments.
Purpose of the Competition
The purpose of the competition is to promote and develop Canadian expertise andexperience in unmanned systems technologies at the university and college levels.Even small-scale unmanned vehicles are complex systems requiring a well planned and executed design and rehearsed operational approach. In addition, safetyconsiderations are important factors in this competition as in any other vehicle design project.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Thanks to the enthusiasm and support from past sponsors, each year the bar is raised to attract first-class teams with innovative ideas. This world-class event provides opportunities for the best and brightest to display leadership, real-world problem solving and teamwork all in a stressful competitive environment; a real-life job interview. Results have paid off as a number of UAS competitors have been hired by a sponsoring company. When tested on the international stage, our Canadian teams not only take home various awards but consistently place at or near the top.
Canada is on the UAS Podium! Sponsors and students will have the opportunity to connect during the competition. To become involved as a sponsor, and invest in these talented students, the future of the Canadian UAS sector, contact
[email protected]
The competitors shall be teams from a recognized Canadian university or college,organized internally at the discretion of their respective members.
Application and Registration.
Watch for the online registration on www.unmannedsystems.ca. Registration,including the non-refundable fee of 500$+tax is due November 9th 2021.All relevant competition information will be located on www.unmannedsystems.ca.Check the competition website regularly for updates. All questions should beaddressed to: [email protected]

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