• Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

Xbox Indie Spotlight: Undungeon


Sep 4, 2021

If you’re looking for your next in-depth action RPG, you’ll definitely want to keep your eye on UnDungeon, which is set to launch into Xbox Game Pass later this year. The more we learn about this gorgeous pixel game and its sci-fi story, the more we want to know — so we reached out to developer Laughing Machines for more information.What is Undungeon?Undungeon is a colourful pixel action RPG in development from Laughing Machines, in which you’re tasked with restoring order to every dimension. No pressure!When does Undungeon launch?We don’t yet have a specific release date for Undungeon, but it’s expected to launch later this year.Will Undungeon be on Xbox Game Pass?Yep! During the Xbox Indie Showcase earlier this year, Undungeon was confirmed as joining Xbox Game Pass on day one.What’s it about?In Undungeon, it’s not just one dimension that’s at stake — several multidimensional Earths have collided. “The multiverse of Undungeon is unlike ours,” the devs tell us. “Its worlds exist due to a certain divine technology which has existed since the dawn of time. A conflict between the Gods led to violation of the fragile order, resulting in the greater part of the worlds being destroyed in a cataclysm called the Shift. Before this cataclysm, multiple dimensions existed: each with its own ruler, manifestation and God. Unable to leave their dimensions, the Gods communicated through heralds — immortal devoted messengers.” We play as one of these heralds, and join “Herald’s Undercover Bay, or just H.U.B.,” continues Laughing Machines, which is “a refuge that consists of stable matter. It is maintained due to the energy generated by one of the heralds meditating constantly. This refuge is the last hope of the immortal entities populating the multiverse. They are using H.U.B. to coordinate their efforts in creating a new, more stable reality.”Designing a game which spans multiple timelines and dimensions sounds as though it could be fairly mind-boggling, and Laughing Machines explains that “the main challenge had been to design a coherent multiverse with its own laws of physics. When we finally did that, the rest of the challenges didn’t seem that difficult. From the technical perspective,” Laughing Machines continues, “implementing multiple timelines that influence one another poses a great challenge for game designers. It is extremely tricky to check how something like this would work in a game, so our designers had to visualize this, to create something like a ‘mental projection’ of those timelines… Naturally, we have come up with a fair number of interesting plot decisions where the characters can exist in multiple dimensions simultaneously, and the time flows differently in each of those. So we have to reflect this in in-game events and dialogues.”What’s the Undungeon gameplay like?Exploration and combat are key in Undungeon. “As far as combat goes, we are attempting to create something unique here,” the devs begin. “Our combat is going to be very deep. One of our main mechanics is the organ system where you can build your character by implanting different organs into their body. It’s completely up to you whether you want to use a ranged build, be a damage-reflecting tank, or recruit companions to do the job for you.” It sounds as though the combat will keep us on our toes — for example, if we don’t heal carefully, our enemies can apparently steal our healing item. You can design your build around your playstyle with those organs, nodes, and runes, and Laughing Machines says one thing the team is looking forward to is seeing how players interact with the game’s levelling system. “It is quite complex and unusual compared to levelling systems in other RPGs. It’s interesting to see what builds people will be creating, what they will and will not like about this mechanic in general.”Hades and Curse of the Dead Gods are listed among the inspirations for Undungeon. Undungeon describes itself as bringing back “the spirit of old school action RPGs,” and Fallout 2 is cited as another inspiration. “The most important thing is the atmosphere. One of the games that inspired us the most is Fallout 2. When you play Undungeon you will see what we’re coming from… We have spent a ridiculous amount of time working on lore: not many modern RPGs can afford that, but in the games of old it used to be common practice.”Laughing Machines adds that another aspect the devs are looking forward to is the possibility of Undungeon fan theories. “The multiverse that we have created is, as we mentioned before, vast and complex. However, the amount of information we’re giving to the player is pretty scarce. We’re looking forward to the time when fan theories start circulating! There is a lot of space for creative thinking here. To sum it all up, the game consists of many unorthodox decisions we’ve grown accustomed to. But how will these decisions be perceived by the players? Our team is just thrilled to know that.”What’s the world like?“In Undungeon, the structure of a world somewhat resembles that of a dungeon: we have two worlds, each of them divided into annular zones that the player discovers step by step. In each of these zones, the player is given a certain objective. Upon completing it, the player makes that zone an integral part of a particular world,” Laughing Machines explains. “Both peaceful and warlike settlements appear, spawning merchants, bandits and other NPCs. Each region has its own background, each tribe — its own customs and attitude towards technologies, be it a community of amphibians who became intelligent or a group of invaders from another dimension.” It seems we’ll have quite a bit of freedom in interacting and trading with these other travellers, and can recruit them to our side, or even destroy their camps. In the midst of all this interdimensional chaos, H.U.B. exists as a safe, neutral space in which the Herald can recover. Undungeon’s world features a lovely, hand-drawn pixel art style. “Our project has been in development for quite a long time. Throughout the years, it has undergone a number of reboots,” the devs explain. “During the most recent reboot, we had hired an experienced pixel artist who helped us establish a final distinctive look of the game. Conceptually, we are trying to maintain balance between several trends. A unique surrealistic style has emerged in the process. Originally, the world of Undungeon had followed the so-called ‘logic of a dream.’ Eventually the narrative became strict science fiction, but the ambiguity of all the in-game phenomena remains.”Any news on Undungeon achievements?We don’t yet have the full Undungeon achievement list, but Laughing Machines gave us a hint. “The achievements are meant to reward the most persistent of players,” the devs begin. “Multiple playthroughs, looking for secrets — all this will pay off. Some of the [achievements] that we had designed, including ones awarded for unlocking different endings, were cut because of time restrictions, but we want to come back to some of those and see if we can still finish them.”

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