• Sat. Oct 19th, 2024

Gannet Glide Drone – sUAS News


Aug 30, 2021

The Gannet Glide Drone (GGD) is a 1.6kg air-launched extended-range precision payload delivery system, capable of deployment at the dismounted combat level. 
Launching from manned or unmanned platforms such as the Cerberus UAS, the GGD is designed with a modular payload bay that accepts electronic warfare systems, communications nodes, parachutes, and kinetic effects. 
The system can be integrated into any aerial platform to provide a cost-effective swarmed effects solution, with a 10:1 glide ratio to extend the standoff distance to a target. The range of delivery varies depending on launch altitude. Launched from the Cerberus UAS, the GGD can deliver effects on target out to 1-3km from the launch platform and 3-5km from the operator. 

 A high-grade MEMS Inertial Navigation System will provide minimal drift for operations in GPS-denied environments. Stealth operations are also possible with an acoustically silent design and RF silent option. 
Skyborne CEO Dr Michael Creagh says, “The initial phase of the GGD program is almost complete and will culminate in a series of flight trials in Q3 and Q4 2021. We’re excited to expand the Cerberus system’s utility and expand our product lineup. The adaptable nature of the GGD system being modular in payload and launch vehicle agnostic lends itself to a multitude of mission profiles and capabilities.” 
Adrian Dudok, Skyborne’s CBO, adds, “The GGD extends tactical and operational reach remaining outside of range of enemy sensors and weapon systems. Defence require a relatively low cost and scalable Air Launch Effects system that can deliver non-kinetic and kinetic mission effects against multiple threats.”
Stealth Operations
Acoustically silent and optionally RF silent for a true fire and forget capability.
EW Resilience
A high-grade MEMS INS and advanced filtering provides operational capability in GPS-denied environments with minimal loss of precision.
Swarming Mesh Capability
The Gannet Glide Drone is intended to operate as a single unit or as a swarm to deliver effects synchronously or in accordance with a pre-planned mission profile.
Terminal Profile Modularity
Designed with a modular payload bay that can incorporate electronic warfare systems, communications nodes, parachutes, and kinetic effects, the system can be integrated into any unmanned or manned aerial platform to provide cost-effective payload delivery solutions.
Artificial Intelligence Capable
The flight control computer contains a state of the art GPU to enable future artificial intelligence integration. This enables the Gannet Glide Drone to automatically alter a mission profile if collateral damage estimates do not comply with the Rules of Engagement.
Preliminary Specifications
Mass1.6 kg (0.6 kg payload)
Electronic warfareCommunications nodesRF nodesKinetic effects
RangeAltitude dependent – glide ratio 10:1
Glide Velocity90 – 110 km/h
Terminal Velocity150 km/h+
Dimensions – StowedWidth: 120 mmLength: 577 mm
Dimensions – FlightWidth: 640 mmLength: 577 mm
Precision (CEP)1.5 m
Launch MethodAir launch from UAS or manned platforms
Up to 2 can be carried by Cerberus
AI Edge ProcessingUnder development – Athena AI application

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