Giovanni Juliao is Business & Parnership Manager at Appvertiser
The purpose of this article is to highlight the trend of entertainment and big tech companies joining the growing mobile gaming industry and why non-tech companies should be interested in joining as well.
Appvertiser is a growth marketing agency that supports companies all around the world with increasing their customer base. A variety of companies, from startups and unicorns to IPO organizations, have received guidance from Appvertiser on unlocking and maintaining growth through different highly competitive markets.
As Apple Arcade, Google Play Pass, Netflix and Amazon, report healthy growth rates in gaming, it’s likely that we’ll see other tech companies follow this trend, but should traditional companies join too?
Data.AI (Formerly Appannie) reported that, in 2021, the consumer spend in the mobile gaming industry reached $116B and, according to research from Adjust, this number is expected to reach $272B by 2030. Unity, in turn, reports that the fastest growing market is APAC.
The biggest marketplace for ideas
This huge market value also reflects the number of mobile game developers competing over the same market. As established gaming companies lead the game development space, smaller studios are giving their best in quality and strategy to attempt to become the new game-changing leaders in the space.
There are over 10 different active and popular gaming genres available in the market, leaving plenty of room to be made to fit any interest or niche market. This could allow tech and non-tech companies to grow within a massive market with an unprecedented user reach.
Mobile games have almost no difficulty entering new markets or regions, unlike industries like fintech. This allows brands to design strategies to fit any culture where the company wants to have a future onboarding, or increase market share.
A growing trend and market valuation, does also come with a cost of aggressive competition within an industry, one that is facing more challenges as time passes. For example, changes in privacy have increased the user acquisition cost throughout the different media platforms, requiring User Acquisition professionals’ involvement to scale user growth and retention similar to what Hagop Hagopian, CEO of Appvertiser, provides with the agency.
So, as big tech and non-tech companies brainstorm ways to create direct user communications, small gaming studios brainstorm their growth within the industry, and by combining both of the needs the market is starting to find a new matching solution that could create exponential growth with games attached to existing titles and copyrights owned by traditional companies.
Not just in theory
An example of this approach is still in formative steps through the Intellectual Property (IP) model where small studios and big traditional brands share copyright to develop successful games, subsequently onboarding millions of users worldwide. An example of this could be Narcos: Idle Cartel through an Intellectual Property (IP) model developed by Bigwolf Games.
With the IP Model still developing within the industry, there are still plenty of future opportunities for properly harnessed brand transformation to change brands into kings within newer spaces; by providing bigger effort into community management and influencer marketing experiences that are also hungry for growth.
Appvertiser currently engages with brands, publishers and studios to connect among themselves to help create exponential growth in games.