The Tower of Fantasy release times and dates have been revealed, but Hotta Studio warn that the Genshin Impact-style open-world RPG game still has “many shortcomings” ahead of launch.
Tower of Fantasy is already challenging Genshin Impact with its 3 million pre-registrations and stunning cyberpunk-style universe. Set to release on August 10, Hotta Studios have set the bar high – but can they live up to it?
In a slightly perplexing turn of events, the devs have released a blog post discussing the game’s release, but it’s not exactly sunshine and rainbows.
Actively admitting that there are still several outstanding issues with the game, Tower of Fantasy may not quite be the hit many were expecting it to be.
Discussing the state of the Tower of Fantasy in August 8′s ‘A Letter to Wanderers (Vol.4),’ Hotta write “we would like to say that we are well aware that Tower of Fantasy still has many shortcomings. We will work hard to improve them, but some bugs and issues may be unavoidable after the official launch.
“We have anticipated the possibility of certain problems arising, formulated the according debugging time limits and specifications, and urged our staff in the corresponding departments to implement them.”
Stating “we are telling you all of this in the hope that you will give us your trust,” the blog concludes “let’s make Tower of Fantasy better together!”
CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077 sparked a flood of discourse around releasing ‘unfinished games,’ prompting countless studios to push back release dates so as not to become ‘the next Cyberpunk.’ Hotta’s transparency is admirable, but whether or not it will win players over remains unseen.
The other question on everyone’s minds whether or not Tower of Fantasy can topple its closest competitor, Genshin Impact. If you’re looking forward to the elusive Genshin Impact 3.0 release date, be sure to check out Tower of Fantasy in the meantime.