Huawei is still around, despite the very damaging sanctions it’s had to deal with for a few years now, and it’s putting out a limited number of phones every year, focusing on the mid-range nova line as well as foldables. The Mate Xs 2 is of the latter category, and offers us an intriguing glimpse of what could have been one of the Galaxy Z Fold3’s main competitors, had it been able to sport 5G and use the Play Store.
We’ve recently finished our in-depth written take on the top notch foldable from the ailing Chinese company, and today we also bring you the video version of the review. As usual, it aims to be concise but still incredibly informative, giving you all the important information about the device without going into every single nook and cranny.
The Mate Xs 2 is definitely priced on the high end, and when you pair that with the lack of Google services, and the lack of 5G, it becomes a pretty tough sell for most people. And yet, we enjoyed reviewing it because it has an eerie air of “what could have been”, if history was different.
It has a unique and interesting form factor, folding in the opposite way compared to what competitors are doing, and needing one less screen in the process – while also basically feeling like a slightly chunkier regular smartphone when closed. Oh, and the cameras are great too. On the other hand, battery life is rather bad, and the screen is very exposed all the time, so durability could be an issue.