• Sun. Nov 10th, 2024

6 times we got seriously creeped out by games that aren’t even horror games


Oct 31, 2024

When it comes to creeping us out, games that aren’t classed as horror games have a real advantage over those that are. Horror games are supposed to be scary, so we brace ourselves, and when a big scare finally comes it can feel like a relief. In non-horror games, however, we’re less likely to flinch at the first hint of strangeness, so unease can grow inside of us without us even being aware of it—a trap set behind our defenses that springs open the moment we finally realize that something is off, chilling us to our cores.

Talking to the PC Gamer team about this, multiple people said they knew that things like this had happened to them in games, but that they couldn’t remember specifics—I choose to interpret this to mean that they were creeped out so bad they blocked it out. Below, read the unsettling moments in non-horror games we did remember, and share your own stories in the comments. Happy Halloween! 🎃

🍃 The whispers of Black & White

Black & White screenshot

(Image credit: Microsoft)

Whenever a villager died in Black & White, the fun-but-flawed 2001 Peter Molyneux god game, a spectral voice would whisper ‘deeeeeeeeeath’. Perhaps because it was barely loud enough to pick out over the regular FX, the sound wormed its way into my brain like the Ceti eel larva which Khan dunked into Chekov’s ear. The more I played, the more I started hearing ‘deeeeeeeeath’ elsewhere. In supermarkets. At school. On the shrink’s couch.

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