• Sun. Oct 20th, 2024

3 Brilliant Dota 2 All Pick Drafts to Climb the MMR Ladder


Sep 3, 2023

Unlock the secrets to climbing the Dota 2 MMR ladder with these 3 brilliant Dota 2 All Pick Drafts designed for offense, balance, and defense

In this Dota 2 guide, we will explore 3 brilliant All Pick Drafts that can help you secure victories and climb the MMR ladder. These drafts are designed to provide a strong balance of offense, defense, and utility, ensuring your team has the upper hand at every stage of the game.

All Pick Draft 1

3 Brilliant Dota 2 All Pick Drafts to Climb the MMR Ladder

This draft is designed for teams that like to play aggressively, focusing on ganking and creating chaos around the map. Let’s take a closer look at the Heroes of this All Pick Draft and learn how to play with them.


  • Crystal Maiden (Hard Support – Position 5)
  • Nyx Assassin (Soft Support – Position 4)
  • Centaur Warrunner (Offlaner – Position 3)
  • Puck (Mid – Position 2)
  • Slark (Carry – Position 1)

Why This Draft?

  • Strong Ganking Potential – Nyx Assassin and Puck provide excellent ganking potential with their crowd control and burst damage. Centaur Warrunner (CW), with his Blink and Stampede, can also help in ganks.
  • High Mobility – Puck and Slark are highly mobile Heroes, making it difficult for the enemy team to lock them down. Stampede also works as a great mobility ability.
  • Good Crowd Control – Centaur Warrunner, Nyx Assassin, and Puck offer strong crowd control abilities to contain enemies during fights.
  • Sustain – Crystal Maiden’s Arcane Aura helps sustain Mana for the team, while Slark can regenerate Health quickly out of combat.

How to Play this Draft

Crystal Maiden should pair with Slark in the safelane, Nyx Assassin should support Centaur Warrunner in the offlane, and Puck should take the mid lane.

  • Early Game – Focus on securing last hits and denying creeps in all lanes. Use Nyx Assassin’s Impale and Centaur’s Hoof Stomp to set up kills in the offlane. Crystal Maiden should focus on harassing the enemy offlaner and securing farm for Slark. Puck should try to dominate the mid lane and gank other lanes when there’s a chance.
  • Mid Game – Start looking for ganking opportunities with Nyx Assassin and Puck. Centaur Warrunner can initiate fights with his Blink Dagger and Hoof Stomp, followed by burst damage from Puck and Slark. Maintain map control and prioritize taking towers.
  • Late Game – Ensure Slark and Puck have their core items. Utilize the team’s strong ganking potential and crowd control to pick off key targets and win team fights. CW should be a frontline tank for the team. Secure Roshan and push for the high ground when in an advantageous position.

All Pick Draft 2

This draft is tailored for teams that prefer a more balanced approach, with a focus on team fights and objective control. Let’s look at the 5 Heroes of this All Pick Draft and learn how to play with them.


  • Warlock (Hard Support – Position 5)
  • Tusk (Soft Support – Position 4)
  • Underlord (Offlaner – Position 3)
  • Lina (Mid – Position 2)
  • Luna (Carry – Position 1)

Why This Draft?

  • Strong Team Fight – Warlock and Underlord provide strong AOE abilities that can turn the tide of team fights.
  • Pushing Potential – Luna’s Moon Glaives and Underlord’s Firestorm provide strong pushing potential to quickly take down towers and barracks.
  • Utility, Control, and Sustain – Tusk’s abilities provide utility and control, which can be critical during engagements. Meanwhile, Warlock’s Shadow Word and Underlord’s Atrophy Aura provide healing and damage reduction for the team.

How to Play this Draft

Warlock should pair with Luna in the safelane, Tusk should support Underlord in the offlane, and Lina should take the mid lane.

  • Early Game – Focus on securing last hits and maintaining lane pressure. Use Tusk’s Ice Shards and Underlord’s Firestorm to harass the enemy safelaner. Warlock should focus on healing and protecting Luna in the safelane to secure farm for her. Lina should keep farming in the mid lane. Tusk can rotate to mid lane when there’s a chance to kill the enemy midlaner.
  • Mid Game – Start grouping up and capturing objectives. Utilize Underlord’s Fiends Gate to move around the map and take advantageous fights. Maintain map control and prioritize taking key objectives. Luna should keep farming until she has her core items and should only join fights when it is to her advantage.
  • Late Game – Ensure Luna and Lina have their core items. Utilize the team’s strong team fight potential and magic damage to win engagements and secure objectives. Underlord should become a frontline tank at this point. Control Roshan and push for the high ground when in an advantageous position.

All Pick Draft 3

This draft is designed for teams that prefer a more defensive approach, focusing on counter-initiation and controlling the pace of the game. Here are the Heroes of this All Pick Draft and a short guide on how to play with them.


  • Disruptor (Hard Support – Position 5)
  • Rubick (Soft Support – Position 4)
  • Magnus (Offlaner – Position 3)
  • Zeus (Mid – Position 2)
  • Sven (Carry – Position 1)

Why This Draft?

  • Strong Counter-Initiation – Magnus and Disruptor provide strong counter-initiation abilities to turn fights in your favor. Rubick can also steal key spells to turn the tide of the fight.
  • High Magic Damage and Global Presence – Zeus and Rubick can deal significant magic damage to quickly eliminate key targets. Zeus can also impact fights from anywhere on the map with his ultimate.
  • Displacement and Control – Disruptor’s and Magnus’s abilities provide displacement and control to dictate the flow of fights.
  • High Physical Damage – Sven provides high physical damage output, which is crucial for taking down key targets and securing objectives. Magnus also deals heavy physical damage if he goes for a right-click build.

How to Play this Draft

Disruptor should pair with Sven in the safelane, Rubick should support Magnus in the offlane, and Zeus should take the mid lane.

  • Early Game – Focus on securing last hits and maintaining lane pressure. Use Rubick’s Telekinesis and Magnus’s Skewer to set up kills in the offlane. Disruptor should focus on harassing and zoning the enemy offlaner in the safelane to secure farm for Sven. Zeus should look to dominate the mid lane and secure kills with his ultimate Thundergods Wrath.
  • Mid Game – Start looking for counter-initiation and ganking opportunities with Magnus and Disruptor. Use Zeus’s global presence to impact fights and secure key objectives. Sven can start farming the jungle with his Great Cleave and join fights when he has key items.
  • Late Game – Ensure Sven and Zeus have their core items. Utilize the team’s strong counter-initiation, displacement, and global presence to control the pace of the game. Secure Roshan when its available and go high-ground after taking a good teamfight.


Implementing these brilliant All Pick Drafts in your games will help you dominate the battlefield and secure victories. Good luck on the battlefield! We have many other All Pick Drafts to build the perfect balance for your team.

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